Friday, February 28, 2025

Reaper Miniatures Bone Fiend - 91007


Some more fun with leftover green in the airbrush paint pot. This model was first sprayed with Dark Green, then highlights of Sick Green, and finally Light Livery Green. Once that was completed I went back in with a drybrush (the Golden Maple soft round brushes - described in earlier posts) of Bonewhite leaving the green inside to represent the energy empowering this fiendish collection of bones.

This is another miniature that gets brutalized in its conversion from metal to the Bones material. As a DM that's okay as it's just another monster in the way of my player's goals which they'll quickly dispose of within a few rounds. Bones is $2.99 while the metal is $6.99 as of this posting.

Kickstarter paint total 226 + 1 Bone Fiend = 227

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