I was going to publish this yesterday, but that post was getting a bit long - so here's the process of interpreting the map as designed by Elderbrain to 3D hex tokens. First to think about is that we're being representative - not exact - the map in the book is representative with tokens for cities, farms, dungeons, mountains, swamps, etc. Additionally, each hex on the map needs to be segmented into 7 hex tokens in a 2-3-2 pattern.
So we start with the map from the book for the city of Onadbyr...
Then we use the Hexton Hills Map Planner software which is a free online tool to plan out your hex token build. All the tokens are in menus on the right and it's a fairly easy and fun way to build together your map. The software will also calculate and generate a build list documenting which pieces and the total number need for the build.
For this hex - the 2-3-2 hex tokens are going to be...
What's great about the software is that it allows the building of regions. Naming a region and then selecting the hexes which belong to the region shows up on the map like this which replicates the hex on the map from the book...
Finally, after printing and painting the final result is...
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