Thursday, February 13, 2025

Reaper Miniatures Tiik Warrior - 77186


Same deal, different set of models - these were sprayed using the leftover airbrush paint and done in the same schema as the Tiik Baron

These are more bones off the shelf - I think the metal versions of these would be more fun to paint as you'd have more opportunity to adjust the figures and they'd stand vertical a bit better. The metal versions, as of this writing, come in a 2-pack for $16. The bones version is $4 each (only one). If you needed a bunch of these the $4 savings per model would add up - but if you only need 2, the metal versions at what amounts to $8 each might be the way to go.

Two more unpainted bones model off the shelf of shame!

Kickstarter paint total 221 + 2 Tiik Warriors = 223

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