Summer 2011 found me prepping a bunch of models - cleaning off mold lines, assembling the bits, filling in any gaps, making simple modifications, basing the figures, and then priming. The goal was to empty the overflowing in-the-blister desk drawer and prep a wide range of figures. In the process of opening a wide variety of blister packs I noticed that over the years I've picked up numerous models from a variety of manufactures, but many of the same sculptors were appearing over and over - which got me thinking about what I've painted to date and investigating a bit about the sculptors.
Therefore I decided that it was time to give the sculptors their glory in my blog. One of the cool features of blogger is the ability to tag (label) each posting and that drives the word cloud down at the bottom of the blogsite page.
I've used a variety of sources - I have a copy of the Citadel Miniatures 2000 Annual, the Stuff of Legends is a great resource as is the German site ZinnDex and The Lost Minis Wiki.
Mage Knight had a complex production history between WizKids and Ral Partha - I can't find any information on the sculptor for the wraith or the noble archer - I have lots more limited edition metals - none have sculptor information. Nor is Iron Winds website of any help - not only do they not have Mage Knight sculptors listed, but neither do they have Ral Partha - such as the aerial servant. Send me an email to my gmail account rickajr if you know the sculptor.
Another line which I can't find any sculptor information is from Heartbreaker's Magic the Gathering line of figures - my Natural Selection is one and I have a couple unpainted as well.
The links below are to postings within my site filtered by a particular sculptor. I've also added my thoughts and tried to put together a bit of information about the sculptor if known.
Kevin Contos - did some early work for Reaper - I painted up a Hackmaster miniature that was very well sculpted.
Sandra Garrity - renown for her lifelike female figures (particularly faces) and wonderful dragons, Sandra has been around for a long time - starting back in the Ral Partha and Grenadier days and continues to sculpt today - most of my sculpts from her are from Reaper Miniatures.
Julie Guthrie - known for incredible detail in her sculpts, she has been in the business since the beginning and still continues to crank out a ton of fantastic sculpts for Reaper Miniatures. I also have some of her classic sculpts (Julie Guthrie's Personalities) from her Grenadier days re-branded by Emperor's Choice and cleverly marketed in VHS cases with foam inserts to protect the minis. The outside binding of the cases formed a winged angel - I currently have 1, 2, 7, and 8. I'm actively looking for 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Bobby Jackson - smooth - that's the operative word for a Bobby Jackson sculpt - he adds fluidity, motion, and life into a miniature by taking away detail - hard to explain in words - just look at his sculpts - they're also great to paint no matter the skill level - they're easy for beginners and advanced painters can blend and freehand the heck out of his sculpts.
Werner Klocke - outstanding sculptor - particularly of the female form - all of his figures always have that edge to it that brings the character to life.
Jerzy Montwill - not a lot known - I have a couple of Chainmail miniatures game pieces sculpted by Jerzy - the Human Templar is one of my favorites and obviously from the Regdar concept (nevertheless a very good sculpt).
Aly Morison - my collection of sculpts by Aly is early Games Workshop figures.
Bob Olley - something about the name of Bob (see Bob Ridolfi below) - lots of undead figures including the fantastic skeletal dragon and the skeletal king Golgath, Eradicator - also handles a number of the dwarfs, orcs, trolls and other general monsters (both small and large) for Reaper Miniatures. I have many great looking figs on the waiting to be painted table from him. Did a quick bit of research and found out that Bob had a company called Iron Claw that made guess what... skeletons, dwarfs, orcs, and goblins which were all manufactured and distributed by Citadel (and eventually became part of the Citadel main lines).
Bob Ridolfi - one of my favorite sculptors from the Reaper Miniatures line - he's done most of the undead material - lots of skeletons and wights - definitely some awesome figures.
Alan Perry - he and his brother were (are) responsible for a large number of Games Workshop figures. I have a large number of Skinks with Alan credited as the sculptor.
Michael Perry - he and his brother were (are) responsible for a large number of Games Workshop figures. I have a large number of Brettonians with Michael credited as the sculptor. What's incredible about Michael is that all sculpts since 1996 were made with only his left hand (he lost part of his right arm loading a reproduction cannon!).
Ben Siens - my first painted sculpts by Ben were of the kobolds - I really like these guys as they fit my imagination of what a kobold is supposed to look like in the D&D game - I think he really nailed the dog like influence on a reptilian creature. Going through my unopened blisters I see that I have quite a few sculpts of his to paint on the horizon.
Jason Wiebe - I have quite a bit of Jason's sculpts - much of it in a yet to paint state - but I'll get to it! I did find his website - under Pariah Artworks - if you can't find one, he'll build one for you - more can be found at his ifreelance entry.