Saturday, August 24, 2002

Reaper's Orc Warrior of Kargir - 2287

The Orc Warrior of Kargir is one of the coolest orc figures - not just Reaper, but everyone else's as well. Finished in August of 2002. This one sat on my desk for a while as I decided on color scheme. I wanted dark and moody - so I went with two different tones of brown - one for the skin and the other for the leather. Again, this figure was painted with the layering technique.

Painting Instructions for Orc Warrior

Step 1: Undercoat model with White Primer
Step 2: Use Chaos Black on chainmail and bag
Step 3: Use Dark Angels Green on tattered cloth
Step 4: Use Dark Flesh on skin
Step 5: Use Scorched Brown on leather
Step 6: Use Chaos Black on metal bits on leather
Step 7: Use Bestial Brown on leather
Step 8: Use Snakebite Leather on leather
Step 9: Use mix of Snakebite Leather and Bubonic Brown as highlight on leather
Step 10: Use Bubonic Brown as final highlight on leather
Step 11: Very light drybrushing of Bleached Bone
Step 12: Use Chestnut Ink on chain mail and teeth
Step 13: Use Boltgun Metal on chain mail and spiky metal bits
Step 14: Use Flesh Wash on shield
Step 15: Use watered down Flesh wash on spiky metal bits
Step 16: Drybrush Snakebite Leather on shield
Step 17: Highlight drybrush Vomit Brown on shield
Step 18: Highlight drybrush Chainmail on chain mail
Step 19: Drybrush Snot Green on tattered cloth
Step 20: Drybrush Scorpian Green on tattered cloth
Step 21: Highligh drybrush Bilious Green on tattered cloth
Step 22: Use watered down Dark Angels Green on tattered cloth and repeat Step 21 as needed
Step 23: Use Vermin Brown on skin - all around except edges and creases
Step 24: Use Vermin Brown mixed with Leprous Brown to start skin highlights
Step 25: Use Leprous Brown as final skin highlights
Step 26: Use Blood Red on eyeballs
Step 27: Use Chaos Black on pupils
Step 28: Use Skull White within center of pupils
Step 29: Use Codex Grey on bag
Step 30: Use Fortress Grey as highlight on bag
Step 31: Use Skull White as final highlight on bag
Step 32: Use Chaos Black on sides of base
Step 33: Drybrush Camo Green on base
Step 34: Use Chaos Black on rocks
Step 35: Drybrush rocks with Shadow Grey
Step 36: Drybrush rocks with Space Wolves Grey

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