Thursday, June 01, 2023

EnderToys - Bone Bridge


This is one of the coolest terrain pieces I've purchased - $15 on Amazon.  I have the perfect adventure for this from Kobold Press within the Underworld Lairs book.  My players are going to lose their minds when I put this on the table.

I started this one off with the airbrush - first hitting it with a black primer.  Then I airbrushed all the bone pieces with Bone White.  Then airbrushed the bridge with Beasty Brown.

Once complete with airbrushing, I brought it onto the desk to clean up overspray - mostly on the black.  I did not drybrush the black with my grey stone treatment that I do to most bases because the model's 3d print is a little bit rough - if there's a negative on this one is that the 3d is a bit coarse - would like to have seen this print with a bit finer settings.

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