Oh these were great fun to paint with the airbrush and simple as well. I did these two different ways - one group of three was Black to Sombre Grey while the other was a Black to a Stormy Blue. Each model was sprayed a base coat, then from about a 2:00 position a lighter color and then from the 12:00 position the lightest. The interesting bit about the airbrush is that the spray has a dithering effect - essentially it's spraying fine dots of paint. When I look at the model in my hand I can't see the dithering, but when I take a picture of it in high res at 2x or 3x the size the dithering is obvious. I used a wash to blend in the three layers of sprayed paint.
The washes were a Black Wash and a Blue Wash respectively. Following that I put together about a 60/40 mix of Sombre Grey with Dead Flesh to paint the face - the idea is I wanted to keep a very subdued/shadowy look to this group. Finally, I wanted one item of important to each model highlighted - the book with some writing, the dagger, or the flaming skull - which was painted with Goblin Green, Escorpena Green, and Livery Green. On that model I tried my first attempt at object source lighting (OSL) - whereby the green flames on the skull reflected back on the model as a light source.
This is part of the 3D Dungeon Labs Etsy shop purchase.
Sculpt: Excellent - these were fun sculpts to airbrush with lots of dynamic flowing robes/cloaks and as a group will look great on the tabletop
3D Print: Excellent - well done - clean - no issues anywhere - very solid
Fitness: Good - has the proper base and scale, and while these models make good generic cultists, they're not really dragon cultists - dragon cultists are famous for their dragon masks.
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