I'm a bit giddy about this miniature - not because it's going to win any awards - but because I had a Friday night with some free time and was able to start and finish a complete miniature in a single night by keeping the paint scheme simple and using a lot of drybrush and wash techniques.
Looking on my shelf I found this Wild Satricon from ZN Games and their Unearthed Hyperborean Age line of miniatures. As are the other models, this miniature is very 2d in appearance (which is why the pictures only show front and back) and sits on an octogonal base. Like the other ZN Games models, I've swiped the base with a bit of drybrushing.
2014/12/30 - discovered the sculptor as Phil Lewis.
As to the pictures - they're not too bad - having a lot of painted metal on the miniature freaks the camera out - too much light is reflected off the model and trying to adjust contrast and brightness either darkens the other details or completely washes the metal out. So the end result is some ok looking pictures - I actually think the model looks better in my hand than what I can present here in picture form.
Lately I've started to put down the sculptor to each of my painted miniatures (and even started a sculptors page) - however, I can't find any data on the internet about ZN Games and their miniatures. If anyone has any further information then please leave a comment or send me an email to my gmail account which is rickajr.
Painting Instructions for Wild Satricon:
Step 01: Undercoat model with Black primer
Step 02: Use Boltgun Metal on all armor
Step 03: Use a heavy dousing of Devlan Mud as a wash over all armor
Step 04: Highlight with Boltgun Metal on all armor
Step 05: Wash all armor with a watered down mix of Chaos Black and Devlan Mud
Step 06: Final highlight all armor with Boltgun Metal
Step 07: Use Scorched Brown on legs
Step 08: Drybrush Bestial Brown on legs
Step 09: Drybrush mix of Bestial Brown and Bubonic Brown as highlights on legs
Step 10: Use Terracotta on plume
Step 11: Wash plume with watered down black
Step 12: Drybrush Terracotta on plume
Step 13: Drybrush Blood Red on plume
Step 14: Use Bleached Bone on hooves and horn
Step 15: Wash hooves and horn with Devlan Mud
Step 16: Highlight hooves and horn with Bleached Bone
Step 17: Use Snakebite Leather on gloves
Step 18: Highlight gloves with Desert Yellow
Step 19: Use mix of Snakebite Leather and Bestial Brown on axe grip
Step 20: Wash axe grip with Devlan Mud
Step 21: Highlight axe grip with Snakebite Leather
Step 22: Final highlight axe grip with Desert Yellow
Step 23: Use Terracotta on axe wood
Step 24: Wash axe wood with Chaos Black
Step 25: Use Shining Gold on all ornaments
Step 26: Wash all ornaments with Devlan Mud
Step 27: Highlight all ornaments with Shining Gold
Step 28: Use Dwarf Flesh on face
Step 29: Wash face with Devlan Mud
Step 30: Drybrush Codex Grey on base
Step 31: Drybrush Fortress Grey on base
Step 32: Drybrush Skull White on base
1 comment:
Hey Rick, did you see these? Hollow blank bases, resin, and not too expensive, either:
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