This was another bones model and was a blast to paint on a Friday night. In metal, this model is part of the Townsfolk II - 2854 pack which also includes a beggar (see link for my painted version) and a blacksmith. I'll get to those in metal at some point, but right now I'm looking to keep working on my fast, good painting.
Again, all paints were from the Reaper MSP HD line. The dress base was Gem Purple, the inside was Entrail Pink, and the hair was Golden Yellow, while the corset was Woodland Brown with a shade of Golden Brown. The skin was completed with a base of Suntan Flesh and then mixed 50/50 with Caucasian Flesh to provide appropriate highlights. The shading and highlighting on the dress was done by adding Solid Black and Caucasian Flesh to the Gem Purple. The inside part of the dress had a bit of Solid White added to the mix twice for a medium and final highlight. There isn't any metallics in the MSP HD line so it was over to the Vallejo Game Color Glorious Gold with a wash of an old pot of Citadel Devlan Mud to tone it down a bit.
With the Reaper MSP HD paint line I'm finding that I'm painting these a bit different. Instead of shade, medium, highlight and building from dark to light... I'm working with the medium as the base which I then tone down for my shading and tone up for my highlights and then using the medium again for just a bit of a blend or watering down to make a wash/glaze as a quick blend technique. With this method, the wet palette technique is my greatest friend as my various on the fly mixes don't dry up and I can go back or take a bit to tone up or down for more shade or highlight as needed.
Kickstarter paint total: 90 + 1 Strumpet = 91
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