It's been awhile since I've had a chance to paint and I needed a rogue half orc for an rpg. Reaper to the rescue! Kang, Half Orc is another great looking figure by Reaper. Since this is for an rpg - I placed him on the more traditional 1" square.
Although I completed him on a rainy Saturday, I chose to use the layering technique for two reason. A) I'm quite comfortable using the layering technique versus wet blend and it's been awhile since I've painted and B) I was also working on several honey-do projects in-between layers.
I've provided a left side and right side view but they are very distorted as the hands cause the figure to sit very far off the scanner glass and depth of field is too great. But, you can get an idea, so I have provided them as well as the front and back view.
Painting Instructions for Kang, Half Orc
Step 1: Undercoat model with Chaos Black
Step 2: Use Bronzed Flesh on skin
Step 3: Use watered down Flesh Wash (about 3 to 1) on skin
Step 4: Use Bronzed Flesh and start base highlights
Step 5: Mix Elf Flesh into the Bronzed Flesh for further highlights
Step 6: Add more Elf Flesh into mix for final highlights
Step 7: Use Scorched Brown on leather
Step 8: Use Bestial Brown on leather
Step 9: Use Snakebite Leather on leather
Step 10: Use Bubonic Brown as highlight on leather
Step 11: Use mix of Bubonic Brown and Bleached Bone on leather
Step 12: Use Chaos Black on metal bits on leather
Step 13: Use Boltgun Metal on metal bits on leather
Step 14: Use Boltgun Metal on short sword
Step 15: Water down Sky Blue ink - mix with a bit of Boltgun Metal on short sword
Step 16: Use Mithril Silver on highlights of short sword
Step 17: Use Dark Angels Green on loin cloth
Step 18: Use Snot Green on loin cloth
Step 19: Use Scorpion Green on loin cloth highlights
Step 20: Use Bilious Green on final loin cloth highlights
Step 21: Use Scab Red on hair
Step 22: Use Red Gore on hair
Step 23: Use Red Blood on hair highlights
Step 24: Drybrush Blazing Orange on hair for final highlights
Step 25: Use Pallid Flesh on eyes
Step 26: Use Vermin Brown for eyeballs
Step 27: Use Vermin Brown on teeth
Step 28: Use Bleached Bone on tips of teeth
Step 29: Use Chaos Black on base
Step 30: Drybrush base with Shadow Grey to Ghostly Grey
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