Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Hexton Hills Standard Size Hex Tokens


Before I jumped into the deep end with two feet I originally downloaded the sample pack from Hexton Hills website and gave it a test run. I had some real concerns about the ability to print on an FDM 3D printer versus a resin 3D printer. 

The first two hex tokens I printed were the fort and the river/lake/sea pieces. I was impressed how well they turned out but I could tell some of the detail was mottled a bit. The forest piece I printed after changing my Bambu Labs A1mini's printhead from .4 nozzle to .2 nozzle. The .2 nozzle is a $12 add on for better detail. I was absolutely amazed and blown away with the detail of the print - sure, it took 3-4x longer than the .4 nozzle to print but the detail is amazing. I then tried shrinking the hex token 50% in the software and using the .2 nozzle the results are my campaign map for our family game. One of the pics has a water hex token printed at 50% for size reference.

The cool thing about the standard size hex tokens is that they'll take tiny 3mm x 2mm magnets which make the hexes snap together and hold well - you just need to make sure you put your north/south polarity in the right spots. The clicking of the hexes together is very ASMR.

Originally I wasn't going to paint these samples as I have no real use for them other than they were tests, but they look so dang good! The standard size was so much easier to airbrush as well in comparison to the half size hex tokens.

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