Sunday, April 29, 2018

Reaper Miniatures Fly Demon - 77259



Moved a few more bones off the desk last night.  These are supposed to represent fly demons according to Reaper.  I painted them up as a Spider Eater from the third edition monster manual.  One of my absolute favorite monsters to drop on a party (I haven't seen fifth edition stats or pictures yet).  Nothing like the horror on your player's face when you pull an Aliens on them and a young Spider Eater rips from their character's chest - oh so much fun!

The only problem is that the Spider Eater is considered a large creature.  So either I plop these onto a large base for game purposes or I use them as "young" and reduce the stats a bit.  It is fantasy, so who says a fly demon can't look like a Spider Eater?

Painting instructions for Fly Demon:

Step 1: Undercoat model with Stynylrez green primer (this is awesome on bones)
Step 2: Use Golden Yellow on back and belly
Step 3: Wash yellow with Devlan Mud
Step 4: Highlight edges with Pale Saffron
Step 5: Use Crimson Red on head and arms
Step 6: Use Rusty Red on head and arms
Step 7: Highlight head and arms with Brilliant Red
Step 8: Use Solid Black on wings and eyes
Step 9: Drybrush Military Grey on wings
Step 10: Drybrush Blue Flame on wings
Step 11: Use Griffon Tan on rock formation and skulls
Step 12: Use Desert Tan on rock formation
Step 13: Use Tusk Ivory on skulls
Step 14: Use Jungle Camo on ground
Step 15: Use 50/50 mix of Jungle Camo and Pale Saffron and stipple on ground

Kickstarter paint total: 91 + 3 Fly Demons = 94

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