This figure is an archived miniature from the 1983 TSR Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic-Users & Illusionists. The sculpt details aren't that great, but the figure was fun to paint in a simple color scheme. Finished in November 2002.
Painting Instructions for Female Elf Magic User
Step 1: Undercoat models with white primer
Step 2: Use Dark Angels Green on vest
Step 3: Use Bronzed Flesh on face and hands
Step 4: Wash face and hands with Flesh Wash and 50% water
Step 5: Use Elf Flesh on face and hands
Step 6: Use Golden Yellow on shirt and pants
Step 7: Use Scorched Brown on staff, belt, and boots
Step 8: Use Scab Red on crystal ball
Step 9: Use slightly watered down Vermin Brown on hair so as to seep into grooves
Step 10: Use Snakebite Leather on boot top fur
Step 11: Use Red Gore to Blazing Orange and highlight crystal ball blending in the layers
Step 12: Use Bestial Brown on staff, belt, and boot
Step 13: Use Snakebite Leather on staff, belt, and boot
Step 14: Use Vomit Brown on staff, belt, and boot
Step 15: Wash Fiery Orange on shirt and pants
Step 16: Use Sunburst Yellow on shirt and pants
Step 17: Use Bad Moon Yellow on shirt and pants
Step 18: Add Skull White to Bad Moon Yellow for highlights on shirt and pants
Step 19: Continue to repeat by adding more Skull White until all highlights finished
Step 20: Use Snot Green on vest
Step 21: Use Scorpion Green on vest - start to highlight mix in with Snot Green a bit
Step 22: Use Bilious Green on vest for final highlights
Step 23: Use watered down Dark Flesh on hair as a wash
Step 24: Drybrush Leprous Brown on hair
Step 25: Mix Leprous Brown and Bleached Bone as highlight on hair
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