Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Reaper Miniatures Treasure Pile - 77138

This actually comes as a multipart from Reaper with a pair of candleabras.  Originally I picked this up with one of the Bones Kickstarters, so I'll need to go dig for the two candleabras and do those up next.

Painting instructions for Treasure Pile (used my Vallejo Game Color)...

Step 1: No need to primer - already done
Step 2: Use Charred Brown on wood
Step 3: Drybrush wood with Filthy Brown
Step 4: Use watered down Gunmetal Metal on metal bits
Step 5: Wash all wood with Umber Wash
Step 6: Wash all metal with Black Wash
Step 7: Use Bright Bronze for coins
Step 8: Wash with Umber Wash
Step 9: Use Black on base

Kickstarter paint total: 137 + 1 Treasure Pile = 138

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