Monday, November 08, 2021

Reaper Miniatures Deladrin, Female Assassin - 77035


This is the second of three heroes for our in-home Temple of Elemental Evil reincarnated campaign which has been published by Goodman Games.   As noted in my barbarian post, I have a couple minis I'm reusing from another campaign and painting up a barbarian, rogue, and sorcerer.

Painting instructions for Deladrin, Female Assassin (used Reaper paints)...

Step 1: I'm using Stynylrez primer on the bones models - just slop it on and cover everything - it works great!
Step 2: Use Rusty Red on cloak
Step 3: Use Rich Leather on leather bits
Step 4: Use Desert Tan on face
Step 5: Use Dragon Black on hair
Step 6: Use mix of Rusty Red and a drop of Dragon Black as a heavy wash on cloak
Step 7: Repeat step 6 with more Rusty Red until final highlights of pure Rusty Red on cloak
Step 8: Use Vallejo Umber Wash on all leather bits
Step 9: Use Elf Flesh for face highlights
Step 10: Use Vallejo Flesh Wash for face
Step 11: Use Nightsky Blue as highlights on hair
Step 12: Use Pilligree Silver on blades
Step 13: Use Dwarven Gold on blade handles
Step 14: Use Dragon Black on base
Step 15: Drybrush Cold Grey on base
Step 16: Drybrush Stonewall Grey on base

Kickstarter paint total: 163 + 1 Deladrin, Female Assassin = 164

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