Monday, January 13, 2025

Hexton Hills - Kingdom of Aglarion - The Old Windmills


Oh my goodness - tiny freakin' windmills! This hex represents the Old Windmills section and was the first place the party went outside of Onadbyr to find a Noble's farm, the Royal Stables, and the Old Grinder windmill. 

These Hexton Hills hex tokens are amazing. The paint schema is the same land and water established in the Onadbyr hex tile. The additional colors were:

* Farm barns, shed, stables, etc. - Scarlet Blood
* Farm fields - Gold Yellow
* Farm fences and city dock - Beasty Brown
* Windmill buildings and city road - Stonewall Grey
* Windmill blades - Dead White
* Houses and building - Neutral Grey

If you're following along on my Hexton Hills printing of the Kingdom of Aglarion, then this hex is going to sit southwest of Onadbyr like so...

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