Sunday, June 07, 2020

Reaper Miniatures Squog Warriors - 77268

Some frog-ee warriors - Reaper calls them Squogs - the "official" D&D name for these critters are Bullywugs.  These are the Bones version.

Painting Instructions for Squog Warriors (using Reaper paints)...

Step 1: Use Muddy Olive on everything
Step 2: Use Olive Green on skin as highlight
Step 3: Use Pale olive on skin as final highlight
Step 4: Use Golden Brown on shields and spears
Step 5: Use Woodland Brown on shields and spears as highlight
Step 6: Use Maroon Red on loincloth and strings
Step 7: Use Rusty Red on loincloth and strings as highlight
Step 8: Use Field Grey on pouch sack
Step 9: Use Dirty Grey on pouch sack as highlight
Step 10: Use Tusk Ivory on teeth
Step 11: Use Dwarven Flesh on shells
Step 12: Use Pale Saffron on eyeball
Step 13: Use Clouded Sea on base

Kickstarter paint total: 144 + 4 Squog Warriors = 148

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