My first Mage Knight limited edition metal miniature. I really enjoyed working on this mini - the sculpt is great with great detail. The face was exquisite and a joy to bring out the models character.
My only disappointment was the base itself. Instead of giving the metal knight the stat base - they put in the box a limited edition base with the name of the model - no stats.
The front and rear scans came out well. The side scan I had to tack the model to the side of the box and I am afraid that the depth might have been too deep for the scanner. I really wanted to get a good scan of the face as it was nicely sculpted and easy to bring out the details.
Painting Instructions for Noble Archer
Step 1: Undercoat model with White Primer
Step 2: Use Chaos Black on all armor
Step 3: Use Regal Blue on all cloth
Step 4: Use Blood Red on scarf and bow
Step 5: Use Dark Flesh on skin and hair
Step 6: Use 2/3 Dark Flesh and 1/3 Elf Flesh on skin
Step 7: Use 1/2 Dark Flesh and 1/2 Elf Flesh on skin
Step 8: Continue adding Elf Flesh to mix on skin
Step 9: Use Pallid Flesh into mix on skin for final highlights
Step 10: Use 1/2 mix Enchanted Blue and Regal Blue on all cloth
Step 11: Keep adding Enchanted Blue to mix on all cloth
Step 12: Start adding Lightning Blue to mix on all cloth
Step 13: Continue to add Lightning Blue to final highlights of all cloth
Step 14: Use Blazing Orange watered down as a highlight to scarf and bow
Step 15: Use Golden Yellow to mix of watered down Blazing Orange as final highlight on scarf and bow
Step 16: Use Vermin Brown on hair
Step 17: Use Leprous Brown on hair
Step 18: Use Boltgun Metal on armor
Step 19: Wash armor with watered down chestnut Ink
Step 20: Use Chainmail on armor
Step 21: Wash armor with watered down Regal Blue
Step 22: Use Mithril Silver as highlight on armor
Step 23: Use Tin Bitz on edge of chest plate
Step 24: Use Shining Gold on edge of chest plate
Step 25: Use Burnished Gold on very top edge of chest plate
Step 26: Use watered down Flesh Wash on gold
Step 27: Use mix of Chaos Black and Codex Grey for highlight of strap around back of knee
Step 28: Use Red Gore on boots
Step 29: Use Blood Red on boots
Step 30: Use Blazing Orange as highlight on boots
Step 31: Use Golden Yellow as final highlight on boots
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