Men at Arms - besides Orcs, every campaign needs to battle some evil warriors up to no good. So without further delay - here are 2 in the Reaper Men At Arms 4-pack (2 axe and 2 sword).
Painting Instructions for Men At Arms
Step 01: Undercoat model with Chaos Black
Step 02: Use Boltgun Metal on all metal
Step 03: Drybrush Codex Grey on base
Step 04: Drybrush Fortress Grey on base
Step 05: Drybrush Skull White on base
Hey man, nice miniatures!! I like alot of the models you've chosen to paint. And youve improved so much its great to see. Thanks for introducing me to the line of Reaper minis.
I was curious how you transported those men at arms onto the warhammer bases.
I enjoy your blog.
Steven - thanks for the comments - it's been awhile since I've been able to sit at the table and paint.
As to your question - they're not on warhammer bases - they're on Reaper's own metal bases which are awesome! They're hollow on the inside and the miniature sits nicely inside it so that the figures feet are same level as top of the base. Then I use plaster or putty to fill in and scribe my stone pattern for that dungeon look.
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