Monday, December 25, 2023

Lost Mine of Phandelver - Redbrands


These were awesome 3d prints for the Redbrand gang and I had a good time detailing these out from a basecoat of airbrushing Scarlet Red on all the models (which went down very well). All paints were Vallejo and after using the airbrush I brought these six models onto the hobby desk to pick out the details. Tan for the flesh followed by Terracotta for the leather armor. Next was Leather Brown on the bags, Bestial Brown on the hair/beards and Gunmetal on the swords. The Redbrand Gang leader, I did a little more by using Wolf Grey to give him candy cane stripes on his pants.

This is part of the 3D Dungeon Labs Etsy shop purchase.

Sculpt: Excellent - these were fun sculpts to airbrush with lots of dynamic flowing robes/cloaks and as a group will look great on the tabletop.

3D Print: Excellent - well done - clean - no issues anywhere - very solid.

Fitness: Excellent - has the proper base and scale, and will look good as a unit on the tabletop.

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