This tile isn't all that exciting on it's own, but I needed to figure out where the corner edge of the map was going to be in relationship to the edges of the magnetic whiteboard and this piece gets me there. I need to make sure I'm utilizing the full space as this is going to be a huge map and all the individual hex token magnets are making it difficult to move the map around on the whiteboard.
It does continue the second circle around Onadbyr and I'll come back to the land side after completion of the sea. I think right now I need to get the corner completed.
Here it is with the edge of the world piece - not quite done, but I was able to attach it and this drives to the corner of the whiteboard. If my math is correct, I need 2" on the bottom and up to the very edge on the right side. This piece lets me measure that and I'm barely able to move all the other pieces into the right spot.
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