This is an interesting example for those questioning the detail level of the bones material versus the detail available from a metal model. Many times they're close enough - particularly the bigger the model, but if you compare the bones 77066 with the metal 3361on the Reaper site you can see the intricate detail of the "armor" on this figure - Derek Schubert really knocks it out of the park with his painting of the dark queen. As the detail just wasn't there on this bones model, I went in a completely different direction of turning the entire outfit into a red dress and going for the pale china doll look instead. She'll be an evil blood red vampire queen instead.
Painting instructions for Shaeress...
Step 1: Undercoat model with Stynylrez green primer (this is awesome on bones)
Step 2: Use Caucasian Flesh on skin
Step 3: Use Scarlett Red on dress and sleaves
Step 4: Use Beasty Brown on hair
Step 5: Use Maiden Flesh as highlight on skin
Step 6: Use Bloody Red as highlight on dress and sleaves
Step 7: Use Devlan Mud as wash on hair
Step 8: Use Plague Brown as highlight on hair
Step 9: Drybrush Cold Grey on base
Step 10: Drybrush Stonewall Grey on base
Step 11: Drybrush Skull White on base
Step 12: Use Black on base
Kickstarter paint total: 102 + 1 Shaeress = 103
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