This was fun and another 100% airbrush (except for basing). As I noted on my previous post, airbrush is awesome fun and contagious - once you get started you just start pulling stuff to spray. So I was spraying green land on the hex tokens, which led to using the green on a turtle dragon, which led to using red terracotta on the turtle dragon shell, which led to using that on barbed devils, which needed bonewhite highlighting which led to mummies!
After pushing these off to the side and getting back to my Hexton Hills map project, I eventually came back to the mummies. Now normally this would call for a brush and a wash - this is the perfect model for that - I wonder if I can airbrush a wash - yes, yes, and yes!! I dropped some Vallejo Umber Wash into the airbrush and sprayed, it worked awesome! I could direct the wash to exactly where I wanted it to go, and the air pressure from the airbrush pushes the wash into the grooves and prevents coffee stains, bubbles, and other brush issues when working with washes. Talking about air pressure - I did lower to about 8-10psi vs the normal 18-20psi I regularly shoot with.
Now I'm excited about experimenting with Vallejo's Xpress paints and shooting those out of an airbrush - going to have to give that a test.
One other note, this bones model transferred over from the metal (2156) rather well as the grooves between wraps are quite good. Not bad as you can order the bones model in a three-pack for $6.99 while one metal will set you back the same $6.99. The only problem is bones classic material and the legs are very bendy. If your rpg adventure only has a single mummy as the main antagonist in a dungeon crawl then splurge for the metal; but if you're building an army, then a whole bunch of bones classics and an airbrush is a great way to get lots of models on the table fast. Final thought... Reaper has a bunch of great looking mummy models in its metal Legends and Warlord Nefsokar line that hasn't made it to a bones material as of yet.
Kickstarter paint total 214 + 4 Mummies = 218