Sunday, May 31, 2020

Reaper Miniatures Familiars 2 - 77196

This was a bit of whimsy but I needed a small spirit for an upcoming Dungeons & Dragons session and I believe this mini will do nicely.  Was thinking about maybe a cool green or blues, but settled for red to yellow.  My original intent was to bring each layer up vertically onto the model, but then I'd lose the features as this is really such a tiny mini, therefore I did a bit of both layering a highlight color on top of another while also bringing the highlight vertically to the top.

This is also just one of the miniatures in what's been grouped as a package of familiars - I originally received as part of a previous Reaper Kickstarter.

Painting Instructions for Familiars 2 (Reaper Paints)...

Step 1: Use Crimson Red on base edge
Step 2: Use mix of Crimson Red and Rusty Red on base middle
Step 3: Use Rusty Red on base center and entire figure
Step 4: Use Burning Orange at bottom of figure and bring to top
Step 5: Use Fireball Orange at about the figures knees and bring to top
Step 6: Use Golden Yellow at figures hands and bring to top
Step 7: Use Pale Saffron at figures head and bring to top
Step 8: Use mix of Pale Saffron and Solid White and just hit the tips of the top

Kickstarter paint total: 143 + 1 Familiar = 144

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