Saturday, August 31, 2019

Reaper Miniatures Townsfolk: Oswald the Overladen - 77141

This miniature has become one of my favorites and has been sitting on my desk for awhile - I have a few figures that I keep around and throw paint at it as an overflow and this is one (another is packrat which is close to being complete).  There is purposely no rhyme nor reason to the paint scheme other than when I had an extra bit of paint and an object needing painting I'd throw some paint at it.  The last object to get painted was the wooden barrel on top.

One henchman looking for party of adventurers - will work for food, a few gold coins, and health benefits in the way of magical healing.

Favorite object being carried --- the chicken.

Kickstarter paint total: 130 + 1 Townsfolk: Oswald the Overladen = 131

Friday, August 30, 2019

Reaper Miniatures Townsfolk: Wench - 77085

Another miniature that started life during Reapercon 2017.  This class was on how to make realistic fluids such as in a jar or a bottle.  The focus was on the six beer mugs being held by this medieval bar wench.  We looked at various pictures of beer and what you see (a) there is a dark line at the top of the beer and the foam, (b) the light actually reflects more clearly at the bottom of the glass meaning that the color goes from dark to light from top to bottom, and (c) that a nice vertical line gives that reflective look of glass.  Example....

That was a great class and this mini has sat around long enough and would occasionally get some paint splattering from a drybrush or an accidental swipe of a brush - so I thought it was time to give it a quick paintjob over this labor day weekend.  Nothing fancy - just enough to get it put up on the completed shelf.  Maybe I can get a bar fight going in one of my D&D campaigns - damage from a flying beer glass?

Kickstarter paint total: 129 + 1 Townsfolk: Wench = 130

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Reaper Miniatures Sir Conlan - 77200

This miniature started off life as a practice figure at the Reapercon 2017 class on a technique whereby you load the brush up with a dark, medium, and highlight at the same time - I didn't really manage to get the technique down and over time just used a more traditional layering technique.  This then sat on my desk for a long time and I'd do bits and pieces of it when the right color hit.  I finally finished it off tonight by painting the shield with some leftover red from my Giant Octopus project.

Kickstarter paint total: 128 + 1 Sir Conlan = 129

Saturday, August 17, 2019

WizKids Giant Octopus - WZK73728

Was at my local gaming store on Saturday playing a session of D&D and picked up a newly released Giant Octopus from the Wizkids Deep Cuts line of unpainted and primed miniatures.  I'm running a Ghostmarsh campaign on Thursday nights and this will be perfect for an up and coming session.  Eager to rip this one out of the box I grabbed the paints and had at it.  I love that this came with a clear base - great for turning over and seeing all the detail work.

Painting instructions for Giant Octopus (used my Vallejo Game Color)...

Step 1: No need to primer - already done
Step 2: Use Scarlett Red on entire model
Step 3: Use Bloody Red on the appendages
Step 4: Use Orange Fire on the lower half of appendages
Step 5: Use a wash of Hexed Lichen on entire model
Step 6: Use Warlord Purple on bottom of appendages
Step 7: Use Squid Pink on the suction cups

Saturday, August 03, 2019

Reaper Miniatures Barrow Warden 3 - 77348

Nothing fancy here.  Just a quick paint in black, drybrush in gunmetal, add a bit of bone white for the skeleton and we're ready to throw on the table as a baddy for the evening's D&D game.

Kickstarter paint total: 127 + 1 Barrow Warden = 128