Monday, March 03, 2025

Reaper Miniatures Foo Dog - 77410


I needed a test figure for a 3D printed item that is going to be airbrushed in gold. Looking at my unpainted Bones shelf, this mini stood out as the perfect set piece to be a golden statue.

So this was pretty easy - airbrush with Glorious Gold, then airbrush with Umber Wash, then drybrush with Polished Gold. Pretty happy with the way this turned out and I'll follow those steps on my 3D printed item.

Kickstarter paint total 227 + 1 Foo Dog = 228

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Reaper Miniatures Honaire, Spirit - 60199


I did a no-no, sort of - I experimented on a metal mini vs. a plastic mini - again, a victim of having blue paint in the airbrush, lol.

This metal miniature was sculpted by Bobby Jackson - his sculpts are always great - for the Pathfinder product line and I think in the Pathfinder lore this particular ghost is full green. I've already done that with Reaper's Cairn Wraith.

Instead I hit this with various shades of blue as I was airbrushing my Hexton Hills project (after a prime coat of white as this is a metal model). I only did the swirly bits with the blue and then I gave it a wash with Vallejo Blue Wash. I used Vallejo Silver on the upper portions. 

Then, I've had this fun paint color from Reaper called Retro Frost Satin which is a bit of a metallic silverish light blue. I placed that on my palette and watered it down to almost a wash - then I hit the silver on the model hard like a wash and blended down into the blue just a bit to bring the blue and silver together.  On the face I used Vallejo's Pale Flesh with highlights of Dead White.

Saturday, March 01, 2025

NextLevel Miniatures - Callous Troll Alternative Paint


Wow - March 1st already - two months gone in 2025.

When I purchased a group of NextLevel Miniatures from Miniature Market I picked up two of the Callous Troll models because I thought it was an interesting model and I'd try to give each a different paint jobs. I didn't realize at the time exactly how that was going to occur, but like the original Callous Troll, this was a result of what was leftover in the airbrush pot. As I've been painting my Hexton Hills project, I just completed a very large section of water and there was plenty of opportunity to spray various shades of blue.

I like the look of these guys - looking forward to using them on the table in an upcoming D&D session.