Friday, December 13, 2024

Reaper Miniatures Mind Eater - 77229


This miniature was actually finished in the early summer for a Dungeons and Dragons session and realized when posting the goblins that the mind eater hadn't been posted - so here they are!

This one was a bit unique as it represents the Intellect Devourer in classic D&D - unlike the original which is considered Tiny, the Reaper version is actually larger than a 5' base which I'm okay with but it did generate a bit of a mounting problem. However, nothing a pin vise and a paper clip couldn't handle. I placed a small hole in the model's center and placed a cut-down paperclip into hole. I left a bit of extra paperclip so I could make a 90 degree V at the bottom and secured it the base with super glue. That worked perfect as I hid the V of the paperclip with some compound and then painted the stem black. It neatly hides underneath there and makes the model useable at the gaming table.

Painting instructions for Mind Eater (used Vallejo paints and since it's been awhile this is my best guess)...

Step 1: Undercoat model with black primer
Step 2: Use Royal Purple on entire brain
Step 3: Use Deep Magenta on top half of brain
Step 4: Use Warlord Purple on raised squiggles of brain
Step 5: Use Tentacle Pink as highlights on squiggles of brain
Step 6: Use Evil Red (new Vallejo color - dark red) on legs and claws
Step 7: Use Terracota as a highlight on legs and claws
Step 8: Use Vermin Brown on legs and claws - almost a heavy dry brush
Step 9: Use Orange Fire on claws - use a heavy striping effect
Step 10: Use Black on base
Step 11: Drybrush Neutral Grey (used to be called Cold Grey - same number 72.050) on rock
Step 12: Drybrush Vallejo Stonewall Grey on rock (but there's an issue, the newer version of 72.049 is barely a tint lighter than Neutral Grey - it used to be much lighter to match the old Games Workshop color of Fortress Grey) - I'm going to need to post a correspondence I had with Vallejo this summer

Kickstarter paint total 210 + 1 Mind Eater = 211

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Lost Mine of Phandelver - Goblins


A goblin war band for the first scenario in the Lost Mine of Phandelver or the latest update of the adventure as written in Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk.

This is part of the 3D Dungeon Labs Etsy shop purchase. I should have painted these first but when I originally purchased the set we were already past the first set of encounters, but now I'm running a new group through and this warband with a few of the town characters need painting.

Once again the style for this set is Wizkids pre-painted simplicity with some flair. With that these were first airbrushed with Vallejo Goblin Green and then various bits picked out. I took care of all leather and body armor bits including the giant protruding spikes in Leather Brown. All metal bits were done in Dark Gunmetal. From there each goblin was given different color hair and clothes to make them look unique and not a military warband unlike hobgoblins who are very militaristic in their background lore. Finally all the bases were painted black.

Sculpt: Excellent - these models have a great look to them - I'm not a big fan of all the spikey bit coming from the armor and I toned that down by painting them all the same color.

3D Print: Excellent - well done - clean - no issues anywhere - very solid.

Fitness: Excellent - has the proper base and scale, and will look good on the tabletop.