I needed a dragonborn NPC for a game I was running so I grabbed this Reaper bones miniature. As I'm backdating this figure from a year ago, I have to think about what I did...
Looks like the entire miniature was based with an undercoat of black and then all the metallic bits of the plate, shield, and sword drybrushed (done first because it would make a mess of all other areas of the model). I remember then using a dark blue to light blue on the cloak, chest, and shield. Brown leathers on wrist guard and the blue-greys for the dragon.
It turned out rather well - although I'd love to have a go at the metal version of this one.
This does count towards my Bones Kickstarter total - left off at 165 - so...
Kickstarter paint total 165 + 1 Dragonman Warrior = 166