Friday, January 06, 2017

Reaper Miniature's Angels of Sorrow - 77362

These were a quick paint job as I need a couple of statues for my upcoming D&D session.  I picked these two up in a single package from my local gaming store Wonkos.

Just to give them a bit of character, I mounted these onto a couple of wooden spools.  Then a quick paint job of Codex Grey followed by a drybrush of Shadow Grey followed by a final drybrush of Skull White.  Next a bit of Scorpion Green was watered down and drizzled on here and there for some aging (although that didn't come out in the pictures very well - but it's definitely noticeable on the table).

While these were the Bones figures, they weren't part of the kickstarter pile.

In honor of opening night of Underworld Blood Wars, the vampire looking statue is named Selene.  And yes, the latest release of Underworld kicked some ass!  It definitely brought the franchise back as Awakening was a bit of a let down.

Sunday, January 01, 2017

Reaper Miniature's Undertaker - 77143

This miniature is from the bones pile - it's the individual model from the Reaper Miniatures set 2845 Townsfolk VI: Gravedigger and Henchman by Bobby Jackson.  While the metal set will set you back $14, the bones figure is $2.50.

Reaper doesn't give the townsfolk models interesting names - just Undertaker in this case.  Therefore I had a little bit of WWE fun - the "Undertaker' there is a performer by the name of Calaway - so, for the models name I shortened it down to Calwy the Undertaker - a bit of humor on my part.

The only proper coat to give this guy is a black coat and black is a difficult color to paint as a main theme as you can't really shade or highlight black.  So what I did here was to use various shades of gray and then wash the entire model with black to give it the effect of a black coat.

Painting instructions for Undertaker:

Step 1: Undercoat model with black paint
Step 2: Use Bronzed Flesh on face
Step 3: Use Regal Blue on sash across the neckline
Step 4: Use Snakebite Leather on the bags, gloves, and shoes
Step 5: Use Graveyard Earth on shirt/undergarments
Step 6: Use Shadow Grey on coat/hat
Step 7: Use Space Wolf Grey to highlight coat/hat
Step 8: Use Bestial Brown on shovel shaft
Step 9: Use Gunmetal on shovel and shoulder pads
Step 10: Liberally washed the entire model with a black wash
Step 11: Drybrush Codex Grey on base
Step 12: Drybrush Fortress Grey on base
Step 13: Drybrush Skull White on base
Step 14: Use Chaos Black on sides of base

Oh - and that's back to the bones pile for the first time since last January 2015 - it's been a long 2 years since working the Kickstarter pile!  Been using my paint time to play D&D and the move to Texas was a bit time consuming as well.  Here's hoping to find a few spare hours here and there throughout the 2017 year to paint more bones - Happy New Year's Ya'll!!

Kickstarter paint total: 53 + 1 Undertaker = 54