Monday, October 06, 2014

Reaper Miniature's Ragnaros, Evil Warrior - 77150

Back to the Kickstarter pile!  I grabbed the evil warrior by Bobby Jackson Sunday evening and worked up a finished product.  This one is interesting - there's a lot I like about it, but there's some things I'm not a fan of regarding this sculpt.

Two bits I don't care for - the first is the overemphasized sword - I think this is part of the Rakham influence that was happening for a bit and I'm not a fan.  Particularly in bones as it was very difficult to heat up and straighten (I tried numerous times and still didn't get it quite right - advantage metal).  Second, this miniature is over-sized for the footprint - he'd be about 8-9 feet in scale.  Not quite giant size and needing to go on a large versus medium base (thinking D&D terms) but he certainly overwhelms.  That kinda ruins any thought of using as a player character - this is definitely a bad ass boss level character in your dungeon.

With that out of the way, there's a lot to like about this figure - he's cool, he's mean, he's just a wonderful and bad ass sculpt by Bobby Jackson.  The metal plate mail is well done and I was able to cut the left foot off the base and pose it for a more dynamic stepping at you look.  It's a great sculpt that was fun and simple to paint; I'd love to see this exact model shrunk to scale just a bit with a right-sized sword.  He's definitely going to be used as the big baddy in an upcoming game.

The figure is available in both bones for $2.99 as well as figure 3374 in metal for $11.99 (again, bones shows off what a great value it is).

I tried to keep the painting simple so I could get it completed in a single evening.  The model works really well as a drybrush and wash occasion.  I just lightened up on the drybrushing as well as used a more watered down ink wash for each layer.

Painting instructions for Ragnaros, Evil Warrior:

Step 1: Undercoat model with black paint (not primer - it will eat into the plastic and cause tackiness)
Step 2: Drybrush all the armor with Boltgun Metal
Step 3: Wash armor with Sepia ink (watered down just a bit)
Step 4: Drybrush all the armor with Chainmail
Step 5: Wash armor with Sepia ink (watered down just a bit)
Step 6: Wash armor with Red ink (watered down)
Step 7: Drybrush armor with Mithril silver as highlights
Step 8: Wash armor with Sepia ink (watered down)
Step 9: Use Red Gore on shield
Step 10: Wash shield with Sepia ink (watered down just a bit)
Step 11: Drybrush Blood Red highlights onto shield
Step 12: Wash shield with Sepia ink (watered down)
Step 13: Use Bestial Brown on horns and spikes
Step 14: Wash horns and spikes with Sepia ink
Step 14: Use Bubonic Brown on horns and spikes
Step 15: Use Bleached Bone on horns and spikes
Step 16: Use Skull White on horns and spikes
Step 17: Wash horns and spikes with Sepia ink (watered down just a bit)
Step 18: Use Red Gore on sword
Step 19: Use Blood Red on sword
Step 20: Use Blazing Orange on sword
Step 21: Use Sunburst yellow on sword
Step 22: Use Skull White on skull with power line through middle with zig zags to the end
Step 23: Wash sword with Red ink (slightly watered down)
Step 24: Drybrush Codex Grey on base
Step 25: Drybrush Fortress Grey on base
Step 26: Drybrush Skull White on base
Step 27: Use Chaos Black on sides of base

Kickstarter paint total: 50 + 1 Ragnaros = 51

Sunday, October 05, 2014

Reaper Miniature's Townsfolk Beggar - 2584A


Another time lapse - it's been awhile since the eyebeast - that's what kinda happens during the spring and summer.  I actually started painting this figure earlier in the summer when I had a friend over to paint and just recently found time to finish.

This is the beggar from the Reaper Miniatures Townsfolk II pack (2584) which includes the bar girl and the smithy.  This is a great miniature for use in a D&D/Pathfinder game as either the evil/good wizard in disguise that the party encounters early in the campaign and can either help or hinder the party later in the campaign depending upon how they treat the beggar.

Painting instructions for Beggar:

I didn't keep great notes on this one - so it's going to be more of an approximate, but I did a mixed compliments on the color wheel.  The shirt and pants are red and green.  The makeshift cloak is split between blue and orange.  Both of those sets are opposites on the color wheel (complimentary).  Normally you wouldn't mix the two on the same model, but I felt that the two were distinct to the eye and would work.  I like the end result.

I stuck to a neutral color (tans) on the patches - I figured there was already enough various colors and making those anything other than neutral would distract rather than enhance.  The beard was in the ghostly grey colors.

This one is old fashioned metal - so no update to the Kickstarter total.