Thursday, March 01, 2001

Games-Workshop's Blue Skink Standard Bearer

This figure is the standard bearer for my blue skinks. The standard was actually a goof on the part of Games Workshop. I had the wrong topping for my pole. I went with it anyways and like the look. On retrospect, I should have painted the wooden figure the orange and the ribbon the blue so that there is alternating blue-orange-blue contrast. Completed in February of 2001.

Painting Instructions for Blue Skink Standard Bearer:

Step 1: Undercoat models with white primer
Step 2: Use Lightning Blue on the skin - except bottom of head and belly
Step 3: Use Jade Green on the bottom of head and belly
Step 4: Use Snakebite Leather on pouch straps
Step 5: Use Chaos Black on sword sheath, eyeballs
Step 6: Use Sunburst Yellow on upper eye
Step 7: Use Blood Red for loincloth
Step 8: Use Fiery Orange for the fin
Step 9: Use watered down Enchanted Blue on all areas of skin - let seep into creases
Step 10: Wash Snakebite Leather onto pouch
Step 11: Use Blazing Orange in the creases of the fin
Step 12: Use watered down Scaly Green on chest
Step 13: Use watered down Red Gore on loin cloth
Step 14: Use Ice Blue as highlight on skin
Step 15: Drybrush Skull White on highlight creases
Step 16: Use Vomit Brown as highlight on pouch
Step 17: Use Golden Yellow on raised areas of fin
Step 18: Use Vile Green as highlight on chest
Step 19: Use Blazing Orange as highlight on loin cloth - may want to go down to Fiery Orange as well
Step 20: Drybrush Bubonic Brown on pouch straps
Step 21: Use Bleached Bone on claws
Step 22: Use watered down Flesh Wash on claws
Step 23: Use Burnished Gold on rings
Step 24: Very lighty drybrush just a bit of Codex Grey on the sword sheath
Step 25: Use Chaos Black and Bleached Bone on deco teeth
Step 26: Use Fiery Orange and Golden Yellow on deco headpiece
Step 27: Use Scorched Brown on pole
Step 28: Drybrush pole up to Bleached Bone
Step 29: Use Bleached Bone on teeth
Step 30: Wash teeth with watered down Flesh Wash
Step 31: Use Goblin Green on base
Step 32: Use watered down glue on base, then dip into fine ballast
Step 33: Use drybrushed Camo Green onto fine ballast