Sunday, December 24, 2000

FanPro's Orc Lord

The second VIC (Visions In Color) that I participated in was for VIC#5. I painted this orc in December of 2000.

You can see mine and many others at the miniature painting web site hosted by Dominic.

This was my first conversion to a miniature and I really liked the way this turned out. The original had a spear between the top hand and the bottom hand. I replaced the spear with a battle axe and a shield. I used the skull decoration from the spear on the shield.

I was also very pleased with the blending of colors on the horns and the plume. The cloak was allright - it was a very big piece to blend and I'm not sure if I put the shading and highlights in all the right spots - it's close.

Wednesday, November 22, 2000

Reaper's Shaedra, Heroine - 2393

Shaedra was done for Jason Moses Challenge Page in November of 2000. This mini had a combination of features from the first two - therefore was the most challenging and time consuming.

Painting Instructions for Shaedra, Heroine

Step 1: Undercoat model with White Primer
Step 2: Use Bronzed Flesh on face
Step 3: Use Bestial Brown on hair
Step 4: Drybrush Snakebite Leather on hair
Step 5: Drybrush Bubonic Brown on hair
Step 6: Drybrush Vomit Brown on hair
Step 7: Use Enchanted Blue on robe
Step 8: Wash Chaos Black on sword and chainmail
Step 9: Use Chaos Black on eyes
Step 10: Use Skull White on eyes
Step 11: Use Chaos Black on eye centerline
Step 12: Use Snakebite Leather on gloves, belts, and shoes
Step 13: Use Blood Red on fringe of robe
Step 14: Drybrush Chainmail on chainmail and sword
Step 15: Drybrush Mithril Silver on plate and sword
Step 16: Drybrush Shining Gold on edges of plate mail, sword handle
Step 17: Wash Shining Gold in decorations on fringe
Step 18: Shade Bestial Brown on gloves, belts, and shoes
Step 19: Shade Regal Blue on robe
Step 20: Highlight Bubonic Brown on gloves, belts, and shoes
Step 21: Highlight Lightning Blue on robe
Step 22: Highlight Blazing Orange on fringe of robe
Step 23: Use watered down Flesh Wash on face
Step 24: Highlight Elf Flesh on face
Step 25: Use Bleached Bone on teeth
Step 26: Use Goblin Green on base
Step 27: Drybrush Camo Green on base
Step 28: Drybrush Bilious Green on base

Tuesday, November 21, 2000

Reaper's Liarra Silverrain - 2155

Liarra was done for Jason Moses Challenge Page in November of 2000. Another S. Garrity sculpted mini (first three are her stuff) - I didn't like the elf ears sticking out - so I tried to camoflauge into her hair.

Painting Instructions for Liarra Silverrain

Step 1: Undercoat model with White Primer
Step 2: Use Elf Flesh on face, hands, legs, and arms
Step 3: Use Red Gore on hair
Step 4: Drybrush Blood Red on hair
Step 5: Drybrush Blazing Orange on hair
Step 6: Drybrush Fiery Orange on hair
Step 7: Use Snot Green on dress
Step 8: Use Bilious Green on cuffs/fringe of dress
Step 9: Use Bubonic Brown on bow
Step 10: Wash Chaos Black on arrow gaurd and sword
Step 11: Use Chaos Black on eyes
Step 12: Use Skull White on eyes
Step 13: Use Chaos Black on eye centerline
Step 14: Use Snakebite Leather on shoes and straps
Step 15: Use Vomit Brown on arrow bag
Step 16: Highlight Vomit Brown on bow
Step 17: Use Dark Angels Green on arrows
Step 18: Wash shading of Dark Angels Green on dress
Step 19: Highlight Bleached Bone on bow
Step 20: Drybrush Mithril Silver on arrow gaurd and sword
Step 21: Highlight Scorpian Green on dress
Step 22: Shade Bestial Brown on boots
Step 23: Highlight Bubonic Brown on boots
Step 24: Shade Bubonic Brown on arrow bag
Step 25: Highlight Bleached Bone on arrow bag
Step 26: Shade Bronzed Flesh on face
Step 27: Highlight with Elf Flesh and Skull White
Step 28: Use Skull White on white dots of dress
Step 29: Use Goblin Green on base
Step 30: Drybrush Camo Green on base
Step 31: Drybrush Bilious Green on base

Monday, November 20, 2000

Reaper's Brianna of the Blade - 2267

Brianna was done for Jason Moses Challenge Page in November of 2000. Overall a great mini - was a real pleasure to paint. I still need to work on swords. The gold trim came out better than expected

Painting Instructions for Brianna of the Blade

Step 1: Undercoat model with White Primer
Step 2: Use Bronzed Flesh on face, right hand, legs, arms, and body
Step 3: Use Sunburst Yellow on hair
Step 4: Wash Vomit Brown on hair
Step 5: Drybrush Sunburst Yellow on hair
Step 6: Drybrush Bleach Bone on hair
Step 7: Drybrush Skull White on hair
Step 8: Medium wash Chaos Black on sword, shield, chainmail
Step 9: Use Chaos Black on eyes
Step 10: Use Skull White on eyes
Step 11: Use Chaos Black to center line on eyes
Step 12: Drybrush Boltgun Metal on sword
Step 13: Drybrush Chainmail on sword
Step 14: Drybrush Mithril Silver on sword
Step 15: Drybrush Mithril Silver on shield
Step 16: Wash Boltgun Metal to bottom of shield
Step 17: Drybrush Chainmail on chain skirt
Step 18: Drybrush Mithril Silver on plate
Step 19: Drybrush Shining Gold on edges of plating and shield decorations
Step 20: Use Snakebite Leather on boots, straps, belt, and glove
Step 21: Wash Bestial Brown on boots, straps, belt, and glove
Step 22: Highlight Bubonic Brown on boots, straps, belt and glove
Step 23: Use Goblin Green on base
Step 24: Drybrush Camo Green on base
Step 25: Drybrush Bilous Green on base

Friday, August 04, 2000

Ral Partha's Neo-Soviet Ursa Heavy Assault Suit

The first VIC (Visions In Color) that I participated in was for VIC#3. I painted this mech in August of 2000.

The idea of a VIC is that everyone paints the same model and then we all present at the same time. You can see mine and many others at the miniature painting web site hosted by Dominic.

This was the first time that I have ever tried to paint something that was this large. It was quite a challenge.

While the pictures are OK - I had to use my wife's digital camera and the images lost alot of their color (the shading and highlighting).

Thursday, July 27, 2000

Games-Workshop's Gui Le Gros

This figure is the equivalent of the musician of my Bretonnian Archers. Who are we really kidding - it's Friar Tuck from Robin Hood! The scan really doesn't show well due to the huge difference in contrasts between dark and light. This one always gets rave reviews from others when they visit. The pinstriping was the biggest challenge. Completed in July of 2000.

Painting Instructions for Gui Le Gros:

Step 1: Undercoat models with white primer
Step 2: Use Bronzed Flesh on face and hands
Step 3: Use Chaos Black on helmet, beer mugs and do eyes (along with Skull White)
Step 4: Use Bleached Bone on the leather hood
Step 5: Use Bestial Brown on cloak and pants and ropes - also on barrel
Step 6: Use Scorched Brown on shoes and arrow gaurd on arm
Step 7: Use Bubonic Brown on bow, arrows, and money pouch
Step 8: Drybrush Bubonic Brown on ropes
Step 9: Use watered down Scorched Brown to shade the robe
Step 10: Highlight Snakebite Leather on robe with just a bit of Bubonic Brown
Step 11: Highlight Bestial Brown on arrow bag with a bit of Snakebite Leather followed by Bubonic Brown
Step 12: Drybrush Flesh Wash on face, hands, barrel, and bow
Step 13: Shade hood with Vomit Brown
Step 14: Highlight hood with Skull White
Step 15: Use Bleached Bone to create trim around robe
Step 16: Use Bestial Brown to create trim around hood
Step 17: Use Bestial Brown to highlight shoes
Step 18: Use Snakebite Leather to highlight pants
Step 19: Use Burnished Gold on tips of bow - then go over with Flesh Wash
Step 20: Drybrush Chainmail on mugs, helmet, arrows, and barrel
Step 21: Use Goblin Green on base
Step 22: Use watered down glue on base, then dip into fine ballast
Step 23: Use drybrushed Camo Green onto fine ballast

Sunday, July 23, 2000

Games-Workshop's Hugo Le Petit

This figure is the standard bearer of my Bretonnian Archers. Who are we really kidding - it's lil' John! This was my first mini where I worked out how to shade and highlight skin and the wooden staff. Favorite part is the rabbit off the back - the detail is a little washed out in the scan but it looks great up close. Completed in July of 2000.

Painting Instructions for Hugo Le Petit:

Step 1: Undercoat models with white primer
Step 2: Use Bronzed Flesh on face and hands
Step 3: Use Snakebite Leather on staff and shoes
Step 4: Use Dark Angels Green on collar/hood and leggings
Step 5: Use Snot Green on coat
Step 6: Use Scorched Brown on belt and bag
Step 8: Use watered down Scorched Brown on shoes
Step 9: Use Bubonic Brown on bow & arrows
Step 10: Use drybrushed Bubonic Brown on shoes and staff
Step 11: Use watered down Snakebite Leather on the bow
Step 12: Use Bestial Brown on the bow straps and handle - highlight Scorched brown areas
Step 13: Use Bestial Brown on hair
Step 14: Use drybrushed Bubonic Brown on hair
Step 15: Use Snot Green to highlight collar/hood and leggings
Step 16: Use drybrushed Scorpion Green to highlight coat
Step 17: Use Burnished Gold on belt clip and tips of bow
Step 18: Use just a bit of Flesh Wash on the Burnished Gold
Step 19: Use Fortress Grey on the bunny - highlight with Skull White
Step 20: Use watered down Flesh Wash on hands and face (including eyes and mouth)
Step 21: Use Goblin Green on base
Step 22: Use watered down glue on base, then dip into fine ballast
Step 23: Use drybrushed Camo Green onto fine ballast

Thursday, July 13, 2000

Games-Workshop's Bertrand The Brigand

This figure is the leader of my Bretonnian Archers. Who are we really kidding - it's Robin Hood and his gang! This was my first metal mini where highlighting and shading techniques started to actually work. Unfortunately, the scan makes it difficult to see the white or the green/brown shades. Therefore tried to select a happy medium. Completed in July of 2000.

Painting Instructions for Bertrand The Brigand:

Step 1: Undercoat models with white primer
Step 2: Use Bronzed Flesh on face and hands
Step 3: Use Snot Green on collar/hood
Step 4: Use Snot Green on arrow fletching
Step 5: Use Dark Angels Green on coat and hat
Step 6: Use Bestial Brown on leggings and inner coat, belt, and bag
Step 7: Use Snakebite Leather on arrow box
Step 8: Use Bubonic Brown on bow & arrows
Step 9: Use Scorched Brown on shoes and arrow gaurd
Step 10: Use Skull White on sleaves
Step 11: Use drybrushed Chainmail on sword
Step 12: Use Snakebite Leather to highlight leggings
Step 13: Use Snot Green to highlight coat and hat
Step 14: Use drybrushed Scorpion Green to highlight arrow fletching
Step 15: Use Fortress Grey to shadow white sleaves
Step 16: Use watered down Flesh Wash on hands and face (including eyes and mouth)
Step 17: Use Enchanted Blue on the feather
Step 18: Highlight feather with Ice Blue
Step 19: Use Goblin Green on base
Step 20: Use watered down glue on base, then dip into fine ballast
Step 21: Use drybrushed Camo Green onto fine ballast

Tuesday, February 15, 2000

Games-Workshop's Bretonnian Archer Command Group

The Bretonnian Archer Command Group was my first exposure to drybrushing, using flesh wash on the skin for face shading, creation of the standard, and an attempt at eyeballs. Completed in February of 2000.

Painting Instructions for Command Group:

Step 1: Undercoat model with white primer
Step 2: Use Elf Flesh on face and hands
Step 3: Use Blood Red on leather armor
Step 4: Use Enchanted Blue on under-garments
Step 5: Use Bestial Brown on knife handle
Step 6: Use heavily watered down Bestial Brown on hands and face
Step 7: Use Chaos Black on shoes, belt, bindings, sword, and helmet
Step 8: Use Chainmail on sword, helmet, and bits like end of belt, etc.
Step 9: Use Flesh Wash on banner pole
Step 10: Use Goblin Green on base
Step 11: Use watered down glue on base, then dip into fine ballast
Step 12: Use drybrushed Camo Green onto fine ballast
Step 13: Create banner using heavy white construction paper and paint prior to cutout using Enchanted Blue, Skull White, and Blood Red
Step 14: Glue banner around pole to create battle standard

Saturday, January 15, 2000

Games-Workshop's Bretonnian Sorceress on Foot

This figure is the first metal figure that I have painted. At this point, I did not know anything about highlighting, shading, drybrushing, etc. It was enough of a challenge just to get the right color of paint onto the correct spot. I was really excited about the belt detail. Completed in January of 2000.

Painting Instructions for Bretonnian Sorceress on Foot:

Step 1: Undercoat model with white primer
Step 2: Use Elf Flesh on face and hands
Step 3: Use Skull White on eyes and teeth
Step 4: Use Blood Red on dangly sleaves
Step 5: Use Enchanted Blue on robe
Step 6: Use Bestial Brown on hair and wand shaft
Step 7: Use heavily watered down Bestial Brown on hands and face (including eyes and mouth)
Step 8: Use Chainmail on sword
Step 9: Use Sunburst Yellow mixed with a bit of Bestial Brown on wand head, sword handle, belt, and tassles
Step 10: Use Blood Red on cloth part of belt and headband
Step 11: Use Goblin Green on base
Step 12: Use watered down glue on base, then dip into fine ballast
Step 13: Use drybrushed Camo Green onto fine ballast