Saturday, June 01, 2019

Spiritual Weapon

In the fifth edition of Dungeons and Dragons the cleric throws out the spiritual weapon spell quite a bit as it's a bonus action and a very effective part of the cleric's offensive abilities.  So I went into my bits and found a hammer appropriate for a dwarf's spiritual weapon - I think this came from a sprue that was part of the bonus bits to Reaper Miniatures Bones 3 Kickstarter.

Drilled a hole into it using a pin drill.  Then used a paperclip to glue it in and bring the hammer onto the base.  I bent the bottom of the paperclip into a circle and then glued it down using superglue.  Covered that with drywall compound which gives the base a nice solid weight to the miniature.

I wanted to paint the hammer as if it resonated with spiritual energy and the Vallejo Game Color Bronze Fleshtone has that earthy yellow look I was going for without being too yellow.  I then added a bit of Dead White did some drybrushing, added a bit more Dead White to the mix and another drybrush - did that a few times until I was happy.  Then I used a very watered down Gold Yellow to give the entire hammer a wash.  Followed that up by adding even more Dead White to the mix and did some edge highlighting around the hammer head, the bolts, and the top of the straps.

As to the paperclip post...  I thought about maybe black, maybe white, maybe some shade of the hammer's color and couldn't make a decision - therefore it's unpainted.

There you have it - much better than moving around an empty base as the spiritual weapon.

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