Saturday, March 25, 2023

Lost Mine of Phandelver - Grick

Gricks are one of my favorite low level monsters in the game - they receive damage resistance versus non-magical weapon attacks and if their tentacles hit they get an extra beak attack - just love 'em!   They also remind me of something out of Aliens or from Resident Evil.  These models look great - particularly like the ones climbing up the column - and I received 8 of these buggers.

I sprayed these green with the airbrush to start.  Then came in with Camo Green on the underbelly, Orange Fire on the beak, Tentacle Pink on the tentacles, Stonewall Grey on the column.  I made a Dark Green wash for the critter and used the Pale Grey wash on the column.  Then painted the base Black.

This is part of the 3D Dungeon Labs Etsy shop purchase.

Sculpt: Excellent - this is an awesome sculpt and really brings the depiction in the monster manual alive

3D Print: Good- well done - for the most part it's clean, but I don't know a lot about the latest 3d printing but if I was to guess I'd say these printed sideways and had support posts as there's a bunch of micro bumps on the back that popped out when I did the dark green and pale grey washes

Fitness: Excellent - has the proper base and scale, model matches expectations

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Lost Mine of Phandelver - Skeleton

I absolutely love these skeletons - I received a dozen - a number of them marked as bonus.  They're fantastic looking and as I've already noted in previous posts I'm really impressed with the durability of the 3d print - no issues with the weapons nor the skelly arms.

Well this was an interesting paint that I think at the end turned out pretty well but had some issues along the way - mainly in using the Vallejo Game Wash - it's just too dark.  So I pulled out the airbrush on these dozen models and hit them up with Bonewhite.  Then I hit them with the Game Wash and it went so dark - the leather bits is the end result.  So I repainted by hand the skull and bones.  Then I figured it needed some color - so I used Regal Blue on all remnants of pants and Gory Red on weapon shafts or shields.  Then I used Gunmetal on weapon blades and a Black base.

This is part of the 3D Dungeon Labs Etsy shop purchase.

Sculpt: Excellent - this is an awesome set of sculpts and the group together looks awesome

3D Print: Excellent - well done - clean

Fitness: Good - has the proper base and scale, but... while I absolutely love all the sculpts, it technically doesn't match the module - early on in the crypts there's a few human skeletons - but when going through the mine, there are dwarf and orc skeletons everywhere from the great war that occurred there centuries ago and a number of them animate because of the corrupted wild magic - if the kit contained 4 human, 4 dwarf, and 4 orc then I would rate this excellent - but as is, it's good but doesn't provide the look and feel that fits the history of the mine

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Lost Mine of Phandelver - Wolf


So these were a bit of an experiment with the airbrush as I'm starting to get the hang of using and wanted to see what I could do with another group of models - this time I received 9 wolves which is more than enough for any of the planned encounters in the module.

The first pass on the models was with Beasty Brown.  Then I hit the tops of the model with Scarlet Red to give it some color on top.  Finally I hit the legs and the underbelly with Bonewhite.  A Black base and the pack is complete!

This is part of the 3D Dungeon Labs Etsy shop purchase.

Sculpt: Excellent - this is an awesome set of sculpts and the pack look is awesome

3D Print: Excellent - well done - clean

Fitness: Excellent - has the proper base and scale, model matches expectations

Saturday, March 04, 2023

Lost Mine of Phandelver - Giant Spider

I love these giant spiders as they were spectacular to paint up and they look wicked awesome.

I hit these first with the airbrush of a blue.  Then brought them onto desk for a drybrush of Lightning Blue and then I hit the legs first with Scarlet Red and then I used Bloody Red on top.  Paint the eyes, pincers, and base Black.

This is part of the 3D Dungeon Labs Etsy shop purchase.

Sculpt: Excellent - this is an awesome sculpt - outstanding - the connection points to the base are a bit touchy and I had to use some extra glue there which I hid by painting black to conceal it into the base

3D Print: Excellent - well done - clean - I noted with the Twig Blights that I'm impressed with the strength of the printed material - have had no issues with legs as the material has taken travel and game play abuse

Fitness: Excellent - has the proper base and scale, model matches expectations - however, and I almost downgraded this to Good, the module needs 4 and the kit only comes with 2 - there are 2 needed during an encounter in Thundertree, however the end game encounter at the temple needs 4 - therefore I technically can't complete the final game encounter without bringing in other models