Tuesday, June 25, 2019


In the Fall of 2017 I went to Reapercon and one of the great benefits of the Con is the ability to swap and pick up metal bits.  They bring out a large table and fill it with all sorts of metal bits and then they also run a buy by the pound from anyone for store credit.  Therefore, you never know what you'll find on the metal bits table and you'll find a myriad of miniature companies and age of miniatures (I previously blogged about the cavern worm which was a great find).

I found this fountain and it caught my eye.  It had to be the top part of something as the end had a ball joint which I'm guessing must have gone into some sort of a base.  I have no idea who sculpted, cast, or what brand this miniature is from but I had fun with it.  I figured a way to base it and then built up a bit of a floor to support the ball joint.  Gave it a quick drybrush and picked out the gold coins in the fountain.  Called it done.  I'll figure out how to use this in a D&D game - maybe as a mimic as it lures the players in with glints of gold coins for the "easy" picking.

Leave a comment if you have any idea on the sculptor, miniature company, or to what this bit went to as I figure it's the top of some structure.

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