Friday, April 26, 2019

Reaper Miniatures Brass Bull - 77256

This is a fantastic sculpt by Bob Olley and Kevin Williams of the "brass bull" - what's historically called a Gorgon in Dungeons and Dragons which many would say misrepresents - the Gorgon in greek mythology is a female with snakes for hair and can turn those who gazed upon her into stone with Medusa being the most famous of the three sisters.  How Gary Gygax made the leap to a bull whose breath turns creatures to stone is a bit of a stretch - the concept is cool, but something other than Gorgon name would have been great.

Bad name or not, this is a really cool model and another great utilization of the bones product line - retails for $5.99 while the metal version is quite the hunk and has a hunky price tag of $18.99.  The size of this model is such that there is little detail loss - in fact, without picking it up it would be extremely difficult to tell the bones from the metal.  These larger monster models is where bones really shines and shows off its value to the gamer.

This was fun and easy to paint - just some metallic drybrushing over a dark blue basecoat - doesn't get easier than that.

Painting instructions for Brass Bull / Gorgon (used my Vallejo Game Color)...

Step 1: I'm using Stynylrez primer on the bones models - just slop it on and cover everything - it works great!
Step 2: Use Night Blue as a basecoat over the entire model
Step 3: Drybrush with Gunmetal Metal
Step 4: Drybrush highlights with Chainmail Silver

This is a bones model out of the kickstarter pile - so up goes the count...

Kickstarter paint total: 120 + 1 Bull = 121