This is a fantastic model sculpted by Bob Olley called a Stone Lurker - aka Roper in D&D terminology. What's really interesting is that a Yochlol has a description that fits almost exactly the same description as a Roper - with the only difference being a Yochlol technically doesn't have a mouth in that form.
I recently ran the Twilight Tomb - 3rd level module which had a Yochlol with 2 levels of sorcerer. A Yochlol can move between a humanoid form, large spider form, it's natural form (looks like a Roper but with 8 tentacles), and a gaseous form. Started the encounter in human form, then moved to large spider form, then put down this model as the final boss battle form. I used the spider bite (without poison) as well as its 8 tentacles in its natural form and the encounter worked out well for a group of five 4th level characters and fits the imagination of the model better.
Painting instructions for Stone Lurker:
Step 1: Undercoat model with black primer (back to metal so I used the spray primer)
Step 2: Used Liche Purple on the tops of the tentacles
Step 3: Used Tentacle Pink on the bottoms of the tentacles
Step 4: Drybrushed Warlock Purple on the tops of the tentacles
Step 5: Washed the bottoms of the tentacles with Warlock Purple
Step 6: Highlighted just a bit where needed the suckers with Tentacle Pink mixed with just a bit of Skull White
Step 7: Used Red Gore as a basecoat on the main structure of the model and watered down a bit to extend the Red Gore onto the tentacles
Step 8: Used Blood Red on the main structure and a bit less on the tentacles
Step 9: Used Blazing Orange on the main structure and a bit less on the tentacles
Step 10: Used Golden Yellow on the main structure and a bit less on the tentacles
Step 11: Used Sunburst Yellow on the main structure and a bit less on the tentacles
Step 12: Used mix of Sunburst Yellow and Skull White on main structure for final highlights
Step 13: Used mix of Sunburst Yellow and Skull White as a drybrush on the teeth and eye
Step 14: Used Liche Purple for eye
Step 15: Drybrush Codex Grey on base
Step 16: Drybrush Fortress Grey on base
Step 17: Drybrush Skull White on base
Step 18: Use Chaos Black on sides of base
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