Welcome to a display of painted miniatures by Rick. Each entry has an explanation to the figure and the "step by step" instructions. Enjoy!
Friday, December 14, 2018
Reaper Miniatures Cavern Worm - 2521
Another magnificent sculpt by Jason Wiebe - this is an awesome metal model - feels great in the hand and was a blast to paint. I'm so looking forward to dropping this one in a campaign on my adventurers. An interesting D&D point... other than the gargantuan purple worm, there surprisingly has not been a cave worm or any sort of worm in the large size as an official monster that I could find in any edition. There's a purple wormling in 5th edition as part of the Storm Kings Thunder, so I'll use that as a foundation.
I picked this model up during the 2017 Reapercon in the open metal bin. It had a damaged horn on one of the sides, but hey, when you're burrowing through the earth things like that happen :-)
I painted this one over the past few months - I have a number of models which are the "garbage" models - when I'm painting something else and have leftover paint, I apply it to this "garbage" model.
I used Reaper's MSP HD paints - the belly was Mustard Yellow with a number of brown ink washes - the sides were in Maroon Red with a mix with Candlelight Yellow for highlights - the scales on top were painted with Twilight Purple and then highlighted by mixing in Artic Grey - and the flap below the mouth was based in Bright Turquoise and again highlight by mixing in Artic Grey.
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Reaper Miniatures Dain Deepaxe - 77074
Back to the bones pile. Needed a dwarf fighter/cleric with a lot of weapons for a character in a current campaign and this one fit the bill perfectly. I love the models that have all the exploration and adventuring bits. This model has backpack, sleeping bag, warhammer, sword, shield, helmet and even a good dwarven mug - he has it all going on!
The shield bit was a fun bit of role playing - as he takes damage there is a color that appears on the shield representing that damage type and in the future he receives resistance - so that's why the funky colors on the shield. He took cold (light blue), fire (red), acid (green), and radiant damage (yellow) in the game sessions.
This is a bones model out of the kickstarter pile - so up goes the count...
Kickstarter paint total: 119 + 1 Dwarf = 120
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Reaper Miniatures Halloween Tree - 3692
I found this awesome figure at the local hobby store about a week before Halloween. It's a metal model which is awesome and I added a base and a few items to give it some character. I then painted it on the night of Halloween!
Unfortunately I didn't pay too much attention to the pots of paint I was grabbing. I used Reaper's paints on this one and I think exclusively out of the MSP HD line. I think the main bits were:
- The pumpkins were based in Umber Brown and then painted up using Burning Orange and Fireball Orange.
- The tree itself was just a lot of brushwork starting with Charred Brown, Umber Brown, Golden Brown, Desert Tan, Tusk Ivory, and Maiden Flesh.
- Bucket was Rusty Red over a brown base.
- Owl was Golden Brown and Griffon Tan.
- The base was Dirty Grey with blotches of Field Grey, Mossy Green, and just a little bit of Candlelight Yellow.
This is another Jason Wiebe sculpt and there's something about his models that just sing to me and make me want to get the paints out.
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
WizKids Owlbear - WZK73349
Painting instructions for Owlbear (used my Vallejo Game Color)...
Step 1: Use Sombre Grey on the entire model
Step 2: Wash entire model with watered down Sepia Ink (about 50/50 ink to water)
Step 3: Drybrush model with Sombre Grey
Step 4: Drybrush model with Wolf Grey
Step 5: Drybrush model with Ghostly Grey
Step 6: Use Leather Brown on face
Step 7: Use Orange Fire on beak
Step 8: Use a mix of Orange Fire with a bit of Leather Brown as shadow on beak
Step 9: Highlight ring of feathers on face with Ghostly Grey
Step 10: Use Black on eyes, claws and base
Step 11: Use Ghostly Grey to draw a line in eyes
Step 12: Use Rotting Flesh to highlight claws
Step 13: Drybrush Cold Grey on base
Step 14: Drybrush Stonewall Grey on base
As noted in previous posts, Wizkids should publish sculptor.
Monday, October 15, 2018
Reaper Miniatures Troll - 89041
This is a great looking troll model sculpted by Jason Wiebe and cast in bones. The original is a metal model within the Pathfinder line. I love the Resident Evil style mouth and the figure has great movement sculpted into the pose.
The model was painted a bit at a time so I don't recall exactly my steps. I believe I used Sick Green as a base coat. Then covered that with Goblin Green. Then a mix of Goblin Green and I think Escorpena Green for highlights and I might have added a bit of Sun Yellow for final highlights. Then washed that all back down with a heavily diluted Sick Green. The belly I used the Goblin Green with Bonewhite and after a few layers added just a bit of Sun Yellow. The warty lumps on the model I first hit with Hexed Lichen and then put a dab of Sun Yellow on top. The lump of hair on the back was based coated with Terracotta and then drybrushed with a bit of Vermin Brown and then just a dab of Bonewhite to the mix for a light drybrush final highlight. Teeth and claws started with Desert Yellow with Bonewhite highlights - the teeth received a final highlight of Dead White.
Kickstarter paint total: 118 + 1 Troll = 119
Friday, October 05, 2018
More Reaper Miniatures Burrowing Horror - 77372
Finally finished up another project which has been sitting on my desk for five months. I had five of these bones models of the Reaper Burrowing Horror and I needed to complete one of them for a gaming session I had coming up. I posted the pic and instructions back in May. I finally finished the other four tonight using the same set of instructions.
Kickstarter paint total: 114 + 4 Burrowing Horrors = 118
Saturday, September 29, 2018
WizKids Xorn - WZK73350
Painting instructions for Xorn (used my Vallejo Game Color)...
Step 1: Use Charred Brown on dirt/rocks base
Step 2: Use 50/50 mix of Charred Brown and Beasty Brown on dirt/rocks base
Step 3: Use Beasty Brown as highlight on dirt/rocks base
Step 4: Use Gory Red on body
Step 5: Use Squid Pink on mouth
Step 6: Use Ghost Grey on teeth
Step 7: Use Black on claws
Step 8: Use watered down Bloody Red as a wash on mouth
Step 9: Use Bloody Red to highlight the individual bumps on body
Step 10: Use Midnight Blue as highlights on claws
Step 11: Use Dead White as highlight on teeth
Step 12: Use Moon Yellow on eyes
Step 13: Use 50/50 mix of Dead White and Moon Yellow to highlight top of eyes
Step 14: Use Black to draw "eyeball" line on eyes
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Reaper Miniatures Dungeon Dwellers: Cairn Wraith - 07005
This is another fantastic sculpt by Bob Ridolfi and part of a special edition line of metal models Reaper is putting out called Dungeon Dwellers. They're supposed to be an "old school" look of models that they give out for free when you purchase $40 or more from the Reaper online store - this was the May 2018 freebie. However, I was able to pick it up at my local hobby store!
The sculpt is beautiful, it's crisp metal, and it comes with a unique round slotta-base that Reaper hasn't used before. My only gripe is that the base is about an 1-1/4" or 30mm wide which makes it just a bit awkward when using on a 1" square game mat for your favorite role-playing game.
I tried to do something new as a technique which I've never done before but have heard others rave about how great and easy it is - that is using both a black primer and a white primer. The idea is to first primer in black. After that has dried, the model is hit from the top with white primer as the light of the sun. The idea being that now the highlight and the shading are complete. Next step is to water down the paint to almost a wash so it's translucent and paint a few layers on. The black and white should show through the translucency of the color and the model is complete!
I gave that a try.... black primer, white primer, and then a couple layers of watered down / translucent Goblin Green. I did add a bit of Black to darken up the shades. Then added a bit of Bonewhite to do some edge highlighting.
It's certainly a fast technique for getting models painted. The con is that spray paint, in general, is a dithering technique of tiny little dots of paint. This dithering shows through when you look close. So while it looks great when placed an arm's length on the table, up close it's certainly not going to win you any awards. I'd use this technique again if I was painting an army of undead where I'm going to use only one shade of color and handfuls of models to paint within a limited amount of time.
Monday, August 13, 2018
Reaper Miniatures Updated Picture for Ankheg - 77230
I wasn't quite happy with the Ankheg pics - the larger models I use my mobile phone for the picture and it has a tendency to oversaturate the colors on the model. I placed them on a black mousepad and retook the picture from further away using zoom and a bit more indirect natural lighting. I think this picture is a better representation. Can't wait to use them in a game!
Reaper Miniatures Ankheg - 77230
I painted these using the same technique with the difference being the undercarriage of the beast. I wanted to give each one something different for some flavor - one set is purple, one green, one blue, and the other brown. I also based these on Reaper's round bases that came with one of the Kickstarters.
The Ankheg was sculpted by Kevin Williams and I'm starting to get a liking for what he's done - recently I painted the four small dragons - red, green, blue, black and the two flower pods (death star lillies) as well as the fly demon.
Painting instructions for Ankheg (I went back to my Vallejo Game Colors)...
Step 1: Undercoat model with Charred Brown - gave entire model and base solid coat
Step 2: Drybrush Gory Red
Step 3: Drybrush Bloody Red
Step 4: Drybrush Orange Fire
Step 5: Drybrush Sunburst Yellow
Step 6: Use Black on claws
Step 7: Use Night Blue as highlights on claws
Step 8: Use Night Blue, Magic Blue, Electric Blue on undercarriage
Step 8: Use Scurvy Green, Jade Green, Foul Green on undercarriage
Step 8: Use Beasty Brown, Leather Brown, Plague Brown on undercarriage
Step 8: Use Royal Purple, Warlord Purple, Squid Pink on undercarriage
Step 9: Drybrush Earth on base
Step 10: Drybrush Khaki on base
Step 11: Drybrush Desert Yellow on base
Step 12: Drybrush Bonewhite on base
Kickstarter paint total: 110 + 4 Ankhegs = 114
Wednesday, July 04, 2018
Reaper Miniatures Factory Tour...
I've been meaning to post something on my Reaper Miniatures factory tour and Reapercon 2017. The Reapercon article(s) might take a while (Reapercon 2018 might come around), but I'll take some time this 4th of July holiday to post some thoughts and pictures of our fantastic tour through the factory.
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Flamingos at DWA |
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Dealey Plaza |
Three months ago I took my boys up to Dallas (we live in Austin) for a weekend to take in a Monday night Dallas Stars hockey game. Over the weekend we spent time in downtown Dallas doing the touristy stuff.
JFK assassination site and The Sixth Floor Museum at what was the School Book Depository at the time of the shooting (which was surprisingly interesting and well presented).
The Dallas World Aquarium which I think has more birds and mammals than fish. If there ever was a bird that was more fantasy than reality, it would have to be the flamingo - everything about them from how they look to the way they walk is just amazing and as if taken right out of the D&D Monster Manual.
Monday we had time during the day prior to the evening's hockey game and decided to make a visit to Reaper's HQ. We called ahead of time before making the trip and they said yes, come on up and they'd schedule us in. I have to say, in a world where seemingly the art of customer service is lost, the folks who work for Reaper have it and then some. Everyone we encountered from my initial phone call until the end of our visit was extremely courteous and helpful.
The facility is located at 9062 Teasley Ln, Denton, TX 76210. The location is all-in-one - game store, showroom, factory, and office. Here's what I wrote in my 5-Star Google review...
There's glass shelf upon glass shelf of models as well as many of the dioramas that have been created over the last 20 years. Here's a sampling (I snapped over 100 pics)...
We were able to take in quite a bit of eye candy as we arrived just a bit earlier than our designated time slot. However, I could have easily stayed in that room all afternoon.
The factory is typical of an American small manufacturing facility - I've spent a career implementing enterprise software in small to medium size manufacturing and distribution facilities. There are shelves for inventory, machines producing product, computer terminals, and all sorts of conveyors for moving material around. The difference is this factory has very cool pirate flags!
Our factory tour was guided by John. Whatever they pay him is not enough for his courtesy, enthusiasm, and knowledge of the operations and casting. He was an encyclopedia of knowledge and provided details on every aspect of what goes into producing your miniatures.
John took us through the rubber mold making area where we viewed the process of how they generate the molds in casting metal miniatures. He then brought us into the booth where they pour molten metal into a spin-caster which fills the cavity of the molds. Pretty much instantly the metal hardens and upon opening the mold there are approximately a dozen miniatures.
The miniatures then go to a QC inspection area where they look for any bubbles or gaps in the figure - if so, then those are reviewed to determine why prior to being re-cast. After passing QC the miniatures go to packaging where they're inserted into blister packages. Upon being sealed, the packages move into shipping as they momentarily wait for your internet order - the computer prints out a pick ticket and your miniatures are pulled, packed, and shipped.
A great operation! When we finished the factory tour we did get to see the paint mixing and bottle filling. A piece of customized robotics fills and seals the little dropper bottles of paint. We were also taken upstairs to the office area where we saw new miniatures being designed on CAD equipment, a very cool 3d printer, Reaper Ron in his office (super nice - takes time out of his day to greet and thank you for visiting), and marketing.
There's lots of eye candy in regards to drawings, posters, etc. everywhere but what really caught my eye, which is hung by the stairs going up to the office, is a Keith Parkinson lithograph in a shadow box which also has their first box set miniature sculpted by Sandra Garrity. Displayed in the bottom of the shadow box are three items: an unpainted set, the box itself, and a painted set. Super cool!
If you can't tell, I highly recommend making a visit to Reaper Miniatures facilities if you live anywhere near Dallas or happen to be heading there. They're located in Denton which is a suburb north of the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan area. In the middle of the day, we were able to make the trip from downtown Dallas in about 45 minutes. There's a Chick-fil-a as soon as you get off the highway which is a good stop for lunch prior to making your visit.
JFK assassination site and The Sixth Floor Museum at what was the School Book Depository at the time of the shooting (which was surprisingly interesting and well presented).
The Dallas World Aquarium which I think has more birds and mammals than fish. If there ever was a bird that was more fantasy than reality, it would have to be the flamingo - everything about them from how they look to the way they walk is just amazing and as if taken right out of the D&D Monster Manual.
Monday we had time during the day prior to the evening's hockey game and decided to make a visit to Reaper's HQ. We called ahead of time before making the trip and they said yes, come on up and they'd schedule us in. I have to say, in a world where seemingly the art of customer service is lost, the folks who work for Reaper have it and then some. Everyone we encountered from my initial phone call until the end of our visit was extremely courteous and helpful.
The facility is located at 9062 Teasley Ln, Denton, TX 76210. The location is all-in-one - game store, showroom, factory, and office. Here's what I wrote in my 5-Star Google review...
The ultimate mecca for fantasy miniatures. This store carries all their product lines. The display room is amazing - filled with glass cabinets with thousands of amazingly painted miniatures. Can spend a solid hour and still not see all. We had the factory tour by John who is caster and mold maker. He was fantastic! Really understands the business and enjoyed taking us around the facility and explaining the process of what goes into manufacturing paints and miniatures. Highly recommend the visit to anyone interested in the hobby or American manufacturing.That's the summary of our visit. The public entrance is through their game store where they have wall pegs of all their various miniatures, some open boxed boardgames, and several tables to sit around. We were quickly brought into the miniature showroom which was simply awesome! Every painted miniature that graces their website was presented in glass cabinets with plenty of lighting. No matter how good the picture, there's nothing like seeing these miniatures up close, in person, and in 3d versus a flat 2d picture.
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Glass cabinets filled with painted miniatures. |
We were able to take in quite a bit of eye candy as we arrived just a bit earlier than our designated time slot. However, I could have easily stayed in that room all afternoon.
The factory is typical of an American small manufacturing facility - I've spent a career implementing enterprise software in small to medium size manufacturing and distribution facilities. There are shelves for inventory, machines producing product, computer terminals, and all sorts of conveyors for moving material around. The difference is this factory has very cool pirate flags!
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Inside Reaper Miniature's factory operations. |

The miniatures then go to a QC inspection area where they look for any bubbles or gaps in the figure - if so, then those are reviewed to determine why prior to being re-cast. After passing QC the miniatures go to packaging where they're inserted into blister packages. Upon being sealed, the packages move into shipping as they momentarily wait for your internet order - the computer prints out a pick ticket and your miniatures are pulled, packed, and shipped.
A great operation! When we finished the factory tour we did get to see the paint mixing and bottle filling. A piece of customized robotics fills and seals the little dropper bottles of paint. We were also taken upstairs to the office area where we saw new miniatures being designed on CAD equipment, a very cool 3d printer, Reaper Ron in his office (super nice - takes time out of his day to greet and thank you for visiting), and marketing.
There's lots of eye candy in regards to drawings, posters, etc. everywhere but what really caught my eye, which is hung by the stairs going up to the office, is a Keith Parkinson lithograph in a shadow box which also has their first box set miniature sculpted by Sandra Garrity. Displayed in the bottom of the shadow box are three items: an unpainted set, the box itself, and a painted set. Super cool!
If you can't tell, I highly recommend making a visit to Reaper Miniatures facilities if you live anywhere near Dallas or happen to be heading there. They're located in Denton which is a suburb north of the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan area. In the middle of the day, we were able to make the trip from downtown Dallas in about 45 minutes. There's a Chick-fil-a as soon as you get off the highway which is a good stop for lunch prior to making your visit.
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