I met with bunch of mini-painters from around the northern and central Virginia at Huzzah Hobbies in Ashburn, VA (a quick thanks and shout out to the owner and team at Huzzah Hobbies - its a great wargaming hobby shop and they provided a good size area for us to get together and paint). I brought along a handful of finished miniatures from the past year as well as a couple of projects I'm working on including a special limited cast Reaper I'm painting for a friend. Besides that, I brought a couple of Reaper skeletons based and black coated ready to go. I figured that a skeleton was something easy to paint so that I could talk and interact with everyone. I did get a good percentage of the skeleton completed there and finished him up at home.
Painting Instructions for Skeleton 2 Handed:
Step 01: Undercoat model with black primer
Step 02: Use Vomit Brown on Bones
Step 03: Mix Bleached Bone into Vomit Brown on bones
Step 04: Use Bleached Bone on bones as highlights
Step 05: Mix Skull White into Bleached Bone on bones as final highlights
Step 06: Use Regal Blue on tattered shirt
Step 07: Use Enchanted Blue as highlights on tattered shirt
Step 08: Use Lightning Blue as highlights on tattered shirt
Step 09: Use Bestial Brown on leather strap
Step 10: Use Snakebite Leather on leather strap
Step 11: Mix Snakebite Leather and Bleached Bone as final highlight on leather strap
Step 12: Use Blazing Orange on hair
Step 13: Use Fiery Orange as hair highlight
Step 14: Use Beaten Copper on sword hilt
Step 15: Use Boltgun Metal on sword blad
Step 16: Use Chainmail for sword highlights
Step 17: Drybrush Codex Grey on base
Step 18: Drybrush Fortress Grey on base
Step 19: Drybrush final highlight Skull White on base