A drow or dark elf - I like the little spider Reaper puts on the base to symbolize the drow miniatures. The picture taking on this miniature was a real pain because of the spear length and the dimension of the spear brings the tip a lot closer to the camera than is the remainder of the figure.
Painting Instructions for Vernicia:
Step 01: Undercoat model with black primer
Step 02: Use Reaper's Cloudy Sea and mix with Chaos Black on skin
Step 03: Use Reaper's Cloudy Sea on skin
Step 04: Use Reaper's Cloudy Sea and mix with Skull White on skin
Step 05: Add more Skull White for final highlights on skin
Step 06: Use Shadow Grey on hair
Step 07: Use Space Wolves Grey on hair
Step 08: Drybrush Ghostly Grey on hair
Step 09: Use a wash of Space Wolved Grey to tone down drybrushing on hair
Step 10: Drybrush Skull White on hair - wash with Ghostly Grey - drybrush with Skull White again
Step 11: Use Imperial Purple on leather armor, gloves, and boots
Step 12: Use Liche Purple on leather armor, gloves and boots
Step 13: Use Warlock Purple to highlight leather armor, gloves, and boots
Step 14: Add a mix of Tentacle Pink to leather armor, gloves and boots for final highlights
Step 15: Wash leather armor, gloves, and boots with Liche Purple
Step 16: Use Scorched Brown on spear handle
Step 17: Use Bubonic Brown on spear handle as a wet drybrush
Step 18: Drybrush Bubonic Brown on spear handle
Step 19: Wash spear handle with Devlan Mud
Step 20: Use Beaten Copper on metal bits
Step 21: Wash metal bits with Ogryn Flesh
Step 22: Highlight metal bits with Dwarf Bronze
Step 23: Use Boltgun Metal on spear tip
Step 24: Wash spear tip with watered down Chaos Black
Step 25: Use Chainmail to highlight spear tip
Step 26: Use Blazing Orange on spider
Step 27: Drybrush base with Codex Grey
Step 28: Dryrbrush highlights on base with Fortress Grey
Step 29: Drybrush final highlights on base with Skull White