First miniature painted for 2008! Actually I started this model and completed about 3/4 of the work throughout December and then put the finishing touches on it this first week of January.
I copied this paint scheme from an old miniature I did of a skeleton king called Golgath, Eradicator. This figure will match nicely as the queen.
Not too bad overall - still getting the paintstroke back as well as patience - I'm not as smooth and there really needs to be more layers building up from dark to highlights which you'll see is much better on the older model. Overall it's a good match and they'll look great on the gaming table together.
Unfortunately, the way this miniature is designed - the left side can't be scanned - so you get the front, right, and back sides.
Painting Instructions for Carnessa, the Terrible:
Step 01: Undercoat model with Chaos Black
Step 02: Use Nauseating Blue on cape
Step 03: Use Liche Purple on cape
Step 04: Use Warlock Purple on cape - start highlighting
Step 05: Use Tentacle Pink on cape as highlights
Step 06: Mix Skull White and Tentacle Pink - continue until final highligh
Step 07: Use Vomit Brown on bones
Step 08: Mix Bleached Bone into Vomit Brown on bones
Step 09: Use Bleached Bone on bones as highlights
Step 10: Mix Skull White into Bleached Bone on bones as final highlights
Step 11: Use Scaly Green on tattered clothing
Step 12: Mix Vile Green into Scaly Green on tattered clothing
Step 13: Continue to add Vile Green on tattered clothing - start highlight
Step 14: Mix Skull White to Vile Green on tattered clothing for highlight
Step 15: Continue to add Skull White for tattered clothing final highlight
Step 16: Use Leprous Brown on gloves and boots
Step 17: Mix Golden Yellow into Leprous Brown on gloves and boots as highl
Step 18: Mix more Golden Yellow into Leprous Brown on gloves and boots as
Step 19: Mix Skull White into Golden Yellow/Leprous Brown on gloves and bo
Step 20: Drybrush Shadow Grey on hair
Step 21: Drybrush Space Wolves Grey on hair for highlight
Step 22: Drybrush Ghostly Grey on hair for further highlights
Step 23: Drybrush Skull White on hair for final highlights
Step 24: Use Codex Grey on bat wings for highlight
Step 25: Use Fortress Grey on wings for final highlight
Step 26: Use Scorched Brown on staff
Step 27: Use Snakebite Leather for final highlights on staff
Step 28: Use Boltgun Metal on all metal bits
Step 29: Use Tin Bitz on helm
Step 30: Use Chainmail to highlight metal
Step 31: Use Brazen Brass to highlight helm decoration
Step 32: Use Mithril Silver as final highlight to metal
Step 33: Drybrush Codex Grey on base
Step 34: Drybrush Fortress Grey on base highlights
Step 35: Drybrush Skull White on base for final highlights