Faramere of Vestonia is another gaming figure for my local rpg group. I envision an old fighter, battling off a group of orcs which attacked him and his maiden daughter while on the road - just waiting to be rescued.
Painting Instructions for Reaper Miniature's Faramere:
Step 01: Undercoat model with black primer
Step 02: Use Dark Angels Green on cloak
Step 03: Use mix of Dark Angels Green and Snot Green on cloak
Step 04: Use Snot Green on cloak
Step 05: Use 3:1 mix of Snot Green and Rotting Flesh on cloak
Step 06: Use 2:1 mix of Snot Green and Rotting Flesh on cloak
Step 07: Use Bronzed Flesh on skin
Step 08: Use watered down Flesh Wash on skin
Step 09: Use Bronzed Flesh again on skin
Step 10: Use mix of Bronzed Flesh and Elf Flesh on skin
Step 11: Use Scorched Brown on hair
Step 12: Use Storm Blue on tunic and pants
Step 13: Use Regal Blue on tunic and pants
Step 14: Use mix of Regal Blue and Ultramarines Blue on tunic and pants
Step 15: Add Lightning Blue to mix on tunic and pants
Step 16: Use Lightning Blue for final highlights on tunic and pants
Step 17: Use Dark Flesh on leather
Step 18: Use Vermin Brown on leather
Step 19: Use Leprous Brown as final highlights on leather
Step 20: Drybrush Bestial Brown on hair
Step 21: Drybrush Snakebite Leather on hair
Step 22: Drybrush Bubonic Brown on hair
Step 23: Drybrush metal with Chainmail
Step 24: Highlight metal with Mithril Silver
Step 25: Drybrush base with Codex Grey
Step 26: Drybrush base with Fortress Grey
Step 27: Drybrush base with Skull White