Golgoth, Eradicator was a Reaper done as a bones project for our DC area painting group. This figure was a blast to paint - the bones were cool and the robe allows for some real shading and highlighting techniques.
There were a couple of firsts for this project. First time that I used the pastel colors in my paint tray on a massive scale. And the first time that I ever used a color wheel to coordinate colors - the red-violet robe started out the project and therefore used a blue-green and a yellow-orange according to the color wheel triad.
The technique used to paint was once again a layering - whereby I would use a color and keep moving up the scale, applying a lighter color on top of the darker color.
Painting Instructions for Golgoth, Eradicator
Step 1: Undercoat model with Chaos Black
Step 2: Use Nauseating Blue on cape
Step 3: Use Liche Purple on cape
Step 4: Use Warlock Purple on cape - start highlighting
Step 5: Use Tentacle Pink on cape as highlights
Step 6: Mix Skull White and Tentacle Pink - continue until final highlights
Step 7: Use Scaly Green on tattered clothing
Step 8: Mix Vile Green into Scaly Green on tattered clothing
Step 9: Continue to add Vile Green on tattered clothing - start highlights
Step 10: Mix Skull White to Vile Green on tattered clothing for highlights
Step 11: Continue to add Skull White for tattered clothing final highlights
Step 12: Use Vomit Brown on bones
Step 13: Mix Bleached Bone into Vomit Brown on bones
Step 14: Use Bleached Bone on bones as highlights
Step 15: Mix Skull White into Bleached Bone on bones as final highlights
Step 16: Use Leprous Brown on gloves and boots
Step 17: Mix Golden Yellow into Leprous Brown on gloves and boots as highlights
Step 18: Mix more Golden Yellow into Leprous Brown on gloves and boots as highlights
Step 19: Mix Skull White into Golden Yellow/Leprous Brown on gloves and boots as final highlights
Step 20: Use Scorched Brown on shield and leather bits
Step 21: Use Bestial Brown on shield and leather bits
Step 22: Use Snakebite Leather as highlights on shield and leather bits
Step 23: Use Vomit Brown as final highlights on shield and leather bits
Step 24: Use Bleached Bone then wash with Vomit Brown as final highlights on leather bits
Step 25: Use Boltgun Metal on all metal bits
Step 26: Use Tin Bitz on helm and shield decoration
Step 27: Use Chainmail to highlight metal
Step 28: Use Brazen Brass to highlight helm decoration
Step 29: Use Mithril Silver as final highlight to metal