The wizard really turned out well for me. It was my first attempt at making a white cloak and using shades of grey to blend. I also used a very light wash of blue over the white. The gems on this model are getting better but there is still lots of room for improvement. Finished in September of 2001.
Painting Instructions for Warhammer Quest Wizard
Step 1: Undercoat model with White Primer
Step 2: Use Bronzed Flesh on skin
Step 3: Use Chaos Black on base, beard, and metal
Step 4: Use Enchanted blue on cape
Step 5: Use Blood Red on shoes, scarf, staff
Step 6: Use Fortress Grey on cloak
Step 7: Use Snakebite leather on belt, pouch, scrolls
Step 8: Use Snot Green on gems and potion bottle
Step 9: Use Sunburst Yellow on bottom of scarf - flames
Step 10: Blend Scab Red thru Golden Yellow on sword
Step 11: Drybrush Tin Bitz, Shining Gold, then Burnished Gold on staff and sword
Step 12: Blend various mix of Fortres Grey to Skull White on robes
Step 13: Wash robes with watered down Ice Blue
Step 14: Blend Cape from Regal Blue to Ice Blue
Step 15: Drybrush Codex Grey to Skull White on beard
Step 16: Blend Blood Red bits from Scab Red to Fiery Orange
Step 17: Finish Blood Red bits with highlight of Golden Yellow
Step 18: Highlight Yellow Flames with Bad Moon Yellow and Skull White
Step 19: Shade and highlight the green bag and gems with Dark Angels Green to Bilious Green
Step 20: Highlight hat with mix of Chaos Black and Codex Grey, then highlight with Codex Grey
Step 21: Shade flesh with Vermin Brown mixing with Bronzed Flesh and highlighting with Elf Flesh
Step 22: Drybrush base with Codex Grey and Fortress Grey